首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience >Bounded Empathy: Neural Responses to Outgroup Targetsʼ (Mis)fortunes

Bounded Empathy: Neural Responses to Outgroup Targetsʼ (Mis)fortunes


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The current study investigates whether mere stereotypes arensufficient tomodulateempathic responses to other peopleʼs (mis)nfortunes, how these modulations manifest in the brain, andnwhether affective and neural responses relate to endorsing harmnagainst different outgroup targets. Participants feel least bad whennmisfortunes befall envied targets and worst when misfortunes befallnpitied targets, as compared with ingroup targets. Participantsnare also least willing to endorse harming pitied targets, despite pitiedntargets being outgroupmembers.However, those participantsnwho exhibit increased activation in functionally defined insulamiddle frontal gyrus when viewing pity targets experience positivenevents not only report feeling worse about those events but alsonmore willing to harm pity targets in a tradeoff scenario. Similarly,nincreased activation in anatomically defined bilateral anteriorninsula, in response to positive events, predicts increased willingnessnto harm envy targets, but decreased willingness to harmningroup targets, above and beyond self-reported affect in responsento the events. Stereotypesʼ specific content and not just outgroupnmembership modulates empathic responses and related behavioralnconsequences including harm.



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