首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience >Activation of Inhibition: Diminishing Impulsive Behavior by Direct Current Stimulation over the Inferior Frontal Gyrus

Activation of Inhibition: Diminishing Impulsive Behavior by Direct Current Stimulation over the Inferior Frontal Gyrus


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A common feature of human existence is the ability to reversendecisions after they are made but before they are implemented.nThis cognitive control process, termed response inhibition, refersnto the ability to inhibit an action once initiated and has been localizednto the right inferior frontal gyrus (rIFG) based on functionalnimaging and brain lesion studies. Transcranial direct current stimulationn(tDCS) is a brain stimulation technique that can facilitatenas well as impair cortical function. To explore whether responseninhibition can be improved through rIFG electrical stimulation,nwe administered focal tDCS before subjects performed the stopnsignal task (SST), which measures response inhibition. Notably,nactivation of the rIFG by unilateral anodal stimulation significantlynimproved response inhibition, relative to a sham condition,nwhereas the same tDCS protocol did not affect response time innthe go trials of the SST and in a control task. Furthermore, the SSTnwas not affected by tDCS at a control site, the right angular gyrus.nOur results are the first demonstration of response inhibition improvementnwith brain stimulation over rIFG and further confirmnthe rIFG involvement in this task. Although this study was conductednin healthy subjects, present findings with anodal rIFGstimulationnsupport the use of similar paradigms for the treatment ofncognitive control impairments in pathological conditions. ■
机译:人类存在的一个共同特征是在做出决定后但在执行之前可以逆转决策的能力。n这种认知控制过程,称为反应抑制,是指一旦采取行动并已经定位于右下额回(rIFG)的能力。 )基于功能性影像学检查和脑部病变研究。经颅直流电刺激(tDCS)是一种脑部刺激技术,可促进鼻部功能并损害皮层功能。为了探讨是否可以通过rIFG电刺激来改善反应抑制,我们在受试者执行了测量反应抑制的停止信号任务(SST)之前,先给予了局灶性tDCS。值得注意的是,相对于假手术条件,单侧阳极刺激对rIFG的激活显着改善了反应抑制,而相同的tDCS方案并未影响SST进行试验和控制任务的反应时间。此外,SSTn不受tDCS的控制位点,即直角回的影响。n我们的结果首次证明了通过脑刺激对rIFG的反应抑制作用得到了改善,并进一步证实了rIFG参与了这项任务。尽管这项研究是在健康受试者中进行的,但阳极rIFG刺激的当前发现支持使用相似的范例来治疗病理状况下的认知控制障碍。 ■



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