首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience >Neural Activity in Frontal Cortical Cell Layers: Evidence for Columnar Sensorimotor Processing

Neural Activity in Frontal Cortical Cell Layers: Evidence for Columnar Sensorimotor Processing


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The mammalian frontal cortex (FCx) is at the top of thenbrainʼs sensorimotor hierarchy and includes cells in the supragranularnLayer 2/3, which integrate convergent sensory informationnfor transmission to infragranular Layer 5 cells to formulatenmotor system outputs that control behavioral responses. Functionalninteraction between these two layers of FCx was examinednusing custom-designed ceramic-based microelectrodenarrays (MEAs) that allowed simultaneous recording of firing patternsnof FCx neurons in Layer 2/3 and Layer 5 in nonhuman primatesnperforming a simple goo-go discrimination task. Thisnunique recording arrangement showed differential encoding ofntask-related sensory events by cells in each layer with Layer 2/3ncells exhibiting larger firing peaks during presentation of go targetnand no-go target task images, whereas Layer 5 cells showednmore activity during reward contingent motor responses in thentask. Firing specificity to task-related events was further demonstratednby synchronized firing between pairs of cells in differentnlayers that occupied the same vertically oriented “column”non the MEA. Pairs of cells in different layers recorded at adjacentn“noncolumnar” orientations on the MEA did not show synchronizednfiring during the same task-related events. The resultsnprovide required evidence in support of previously suggestedntask-related sensorimotor processing in the FCx via functionallynsegregated minicolumns. ■
机译:哺乳动物的额叶皮层(FCx)位于大脑的感觉运动层次的顶部,并包括位于第2/3层上层的细胞,这些细胞整合会聚的感觉信息,以传输至第5层下层细胞,从而形成控制行为反应的运动系统输出。使用定制设计的基于陶瓷的微电子阵列(MEA)检查了这两层FCx之间的功能相互作用,该阵列允许同时记录非人类灵长类动物第2/3层和第5层中FCx神经元的放电模式,从而执行简单的通过/不通过判断任务。这种独特的记录方式显示了每层细胞与n任务相关的感觉事件的差异编码,其中第2 / 3n细胞在出现目标和无目标任务图像期间显示出较大的发射峰值,而第5层细胞则在任务中奖励或然运动反应期间表现出更多的活动。通过与非MEA占用相同垂直方向“列”的不同层中的成对细胞之间的同步触发,进一步证明了针对任务相关事件的触发特异性。 MEA上以相邻的“非柱状”方向记录的不同层中的成对细胞在相同的任务相关事件中未显示出同步放电。该结果提供了必要的证据,以支持以前建议的功能分离的微型列在FCx中与任务相关的感觉运动处理。 ■



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