首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Clinical Pathology >Serous adenocarcinoma of the sigmoid mesentery arising in cystic endosalpingiosis.

Serous adenocarcinoma of the sigmoid mesentery arising in cystic endosalpingiosis.


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This case report describes a Mullerian serous adenocarcinoma arising within a multoloculated cyst lined by ciliated serous-type epithelium located in the sigmoid mesentery. Twenty years previously the patient underwent a hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, and omentectomy. The ovaries contained bilateral serous cystadenofibromas, and multiple cysts lined by ciliated serous-type epithelium were present in the omentum. The resection specimen 20 years later contained a 14 cm multiloculated cyst located in the sigmoid mesentery. This was lined largely by benign ciliated serous-type epithelium but a focus of well differentiated serous adenocarcinoma projected into the lumen. Two further peritoneal cysts were present, both of which were lined by ciliated serous-type epithelium. There was a coincidental renal cell carcinoma. This is a unique case of multiple omental, peritoneal, and retroperitoneal cysts (classified as cystic endosalpingiosis), one of which developed a focus of serous adenocarcinoma. Although rarely serous adenocarcinomas, similar to those occurring within the ovary, arise in the retroperitoneum, this is the first reported occurrence in association with a pre-existing benign lesion.
机译:该病例报告描述了一种穆勒氏浆液性腺癌,多发性囊肿内衬有乙状肠系膜的纤毛状浆液样上皮。二十年前,患者接受了子宫切除术,双侧输卵管卵巢切除术和网膜切除术。卵巢包含双侧浆液性囊腺纤维瘤,大网膜中有多个由纤毛状浆液样上皮衬砌的囊肿。 20年后的切除标本包含一个位于乙状肠系膜的14厘米多位置囊肿。这主要由良性纤毛的浆液性上皮所衬,但是高度分化的浆液性腺癌的焦点投射到了管腔中。存在另外两个腹膜囊肿,均由纤毛浆液型上皮衬里。有一个巧合的肾细胞癌。这是多发性网膜,腹膜和腹膜后囊肿(归类为囊状内镜检查)的独特病例,其中之一发展成为浆液性腺癌的焦点。尽管很少有浆液性腺癌(类似于在卵巢内发生的浆液性腺癌)发生在腹膜后腔,但这是首次报道的与先前存在的良性病变有关的癌变。



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