首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Cleaner Production >Implementing extended producer responsibility: the case of Sweden's car scrapping scheme

Implementing extended producer responsibility: the case of Sweden's car scrapping scheme


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This article examines the consequences of implementing extended producer responsibility (EPR). The analysis identifies to what extent EPR creates economic incentives, and what the financial consequences are. The case of car scrapping in Sweden is used as an example. EPR gives rise to two responsibilities; the consumer has the responsibility to return the product, the end-of-life vehicle, and the producer has the responsibility to handle the end-of-life management. EPR implicitly assumes that consumers will fulfil their responsibility without any economic incentive. This has no empirical support in the literature. The consumers will bear the costs associated with dismantling although the producer is responsible for the payment. This responsibility gives rise to a major future financial liability.
机译:本文探讨了实施扩展生产者责任(EPR)的后果。该分析确定了EPR在多大程度上产生了经济诱因以及财务后果是什么。以瑞典报废汽车为例。 EPR产生两项职责;消费者有责任退回产品,报废工具,而生产者有责任处理报废管理。 EPR隐含地认为,消费者将在没有任何经济诱因的情况下履行其责任。这在文献中没有经验支持。尽管生产者负责付款,但消费者将承担与拆卸相关的费用。这项责任引起未来重大的财务责任。



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