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Environmental costs at a Canadian paper mill: a case study of Environmental Management Accounting (EMA)


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An Environmental Management Accounting (EMA) framework is applied to the 2000 year-end financial report for the Mackenzie Paper Division paper mill owned and operated by Abitibi-Consolidated Inc. of Montreal, Quebec. A conventional reading of the obvious environmental costs from this financial report is Cdn$2, 196,838. This figure is derived from an analysis of effluent treatment costs and other line item environmental costs. There is no "environmental account" category that breaks out either costs or the mass balance of inputs and outputs. For the most part, environmental costs are rolled up into overhead accounts such as administration, infrastructure and materials accounts. Application of the EMA framework is based on assigning environmental costs to one of four categories for which a tentative breakdown is as follows: (1) waste and emission treatment costs ($3,348,902); (2) prevention and environmental management costs ($270,109); (3) material purchase value of non-product output costs ($946,799); and (4) processing costs of non-product output ($292,943). There is also a category called Environmental Revenues, of which none were reported. Conservative estimates thus place the total environmental costs at $4,858,753. What is significant about this result is that the environmental costs under EMA are at least twice as much as would normally be reported. This supports the view that environmental costs are much higher than generally considered and makes it clear that many important environmental costs as well as benefits are "hidden" in other accounts. More studies of a similar design are required to confirm the validity of the EMA methodology reported here.
机译:魁北克蒙特利尔Abitibi-Consolidated Inc.拥有并经营的Mackenzie造纸分公司的2000年底财务报告中采用了环境管理会计(EMA)框架。从此财务报告中可以明显看出,明显的环境成本是2加元196,838加元。该数字来自对废水处理成本和其他项目环境成本的分析。没有“环境账户”类别可以分解成本或投入与产出的质量平衡。在大多数情况下,环境成本被汇总到管理,基础设施和材料等间接费用账户中。 EMA框架的应用是基于将环境成本分配到以下四个类别之一,暂定细分如下:(1)废物和排放处理成本(3,348,902美元); (2)预防和环境管理费用(270,109美元); (3)非产品产出成本的材料购买价值(946,799美元); (4)非产品产出的加工费用(292,943美元)。还有一个称为“环境收入”的类别,没有报告过。因此,保守的估计使环境总成本为4,858,753美元。此结果的重要意义在于,根据EMA进行的环境成本至少是通常报告的两倍。这支持了这样一种观点,即环境成本要比通常考虑的要高得多,并且清楚地表明许多重要的环境成本以及收益都被“隐藏”在其他账户中。需要进行更多类似设计的研究,以确认此处报告的EMA方法的有效性。



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