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Environmental management accounting (EMA) as the next step in the evolution of management accounting


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Why should organizations and accountants care about environmental issues? Environmental performance and disclosure pressures from the supply chain, finance providers, regulatory agencies, and other stakeholders result in ever-increasing environment-related costs for organizations, but there is also an increasing recognition of the potential monetary benefits of improved environmental performance. There is also growing consensus that traditional accounting practices do not adequately provide the information required for environmental management and the strategic decisions related to it. Environmental Management Accounting (EMA) has been promoted by the Working Group on EMA of the United Nations Division for Sustainable Development UN DSD EMA WG and the publications commissioned by it [UNDESA/DSD, 2001. United Nations Division for Sustainable Development. Environmental Management Accounting, Procedures and Principles. United Nations Publications, New York/Geneva, http://www.un.org/esa/sustdev/sdissues/technology/estemal.htm; UNDESA/DSD, 2002. United Nations Division for Sustainable Development. Environmental Management Accounting: Policies and Linkages. United Nations Publications, New York/Geneva, http://www.un.org/esa/ sustdev/sdissues/technology/estemal.htm]. Recently, IFAC has published a guidance document on EMA [International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), 2005. International Guidance Document of EMA. IFAC, New York, http://www.ifac.org] that will further promote its application among accountants. This special issue of the Journal of Cleaner Production on EMA focuses on this methodological background as well as upon experiences from case studies from Australia, Austria, Argentina, Canada, Japan and Lithuania.
机译:组织和会计师为什么要关心环境问题?供应链,财务提供者,监管机构和其他利益相关者的环境绩效和披露压力导致组织的与环境相关的成本不断增加,但人们也越来越认识到改善环境绩效的潜在货币收益。越来越多的共识是,传统的会计惯例不能充分提供环境管理和与之相关的战略决策所需的信息。联合国可持续发展司联合国可持续发展司EMA工作组和其委托出版的出版物[UNDESA / DSD,2001年。联合国可持续发展司。环境管理会计,程序和原则。联合国出版物,纽约/日内瓦,http://www.un.org/esa/sustdev/sdissues/technology/estemal.htm; UNDESA / DSD,2002年。联合国可持续发展司。环境管理会计:政策和联系。联合国出版物,纽约/日内瓦,http://www.un.org/esa/sustdev/sdissues/technology/estemal.htm]。最近,IFAC发布了有关EMA的指导文件[国际会计师联合会(IFAC),2005年。EMA的国际指导文件。 IFAC,纽约,http://www.ifac.org],它将进一步促进其在会计师中的应用。 EMA的《清洁生产杂志》的这一期特刊着重介绍了这种方法论背景以及澳大利亚,奥地利,阿根廷,加拿大,日本和立陶宛的案例研究经验。



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