首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Cleaner Production >Minimization methods for emissions generated from sinter strands: a review

Minimization methods for emissions generated from sinter strands: a review


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The agglomeration of iron ores or fine-grained recycled high-grade iron materials is an essential part of the integrated iron and steelmaking process. The 15 European countries produce more than 100 Mt of sinter per year. However, environmental regulation is becoming more stringent, and therefore, sintering plants are under pressure to minimize their generated emissions, because they are the most polluting processes. Different possibilities have been suggested to solve this problem, e.g. using imported pellets or briquettes in blast furnace or to use EAF process. Such changes are very expensive and also delete the recycling route of the byproducts, thereby creating an additional treatment or disposal problem. In this paper, different methods for minimizing emissions generated from sinter strands are reviewed.
机译:铁矿石或细粒再生高级铁材料的团聚是钢铁综合生产过程的重要组成部分。 15个欧洲国家每年生产超过100吨的烧结矿。但是,环境法规变得越来越严格,因此,烧结厂承受着最大程度地污染污染的压力,必须将其产生的排放量降至最低。已经提出了解决该问题的不同可能性,例如。在高炉中使用进口的颗粒或团块,或使用电弧炉工艺。这样的改变非常昂贵,并且还消除了副产物的再循环途径,从而产生了额外的处理或处置问题。在本文中,回顾了使烧结丝产生的排放最小化的不同方法。



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