首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Cleaner Production >Seasonal water pricing using meteorological data: case study of Belgrade

Seasonal water pricing using meteorological data: case study of Belgrade


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The paper presents a model of seasonal water pricing (SWP) aimed primarily at diminishing excessive fresh water use in the city of Belgrade. Seasonal prices are determined on meteorological observations of the average monthly temperatures and the total monthly precipitations in the period from 2000 to 2010, and their deviations from the thirty year normal levels. The SWP operation is based on an ex-post price determination, and it conveys a signal to water users on resource scarcity. Not knowing ex ante how high their monthly bill is going to be, but aware of the price-setting rule, consumers will be in a situation to change their pattern of behaviour towards a more sustainable water use. Potential of the SWP model implementation are a) pushing consumers towards rationality, b) valuable resource conservation and c) enabling the water supply company to cover peak-season supply and the related costs. The SWP model has been created for the Belgrade Water and Wastewater Company, but might be easily implemented in all other cities with the same problems.
机译:本文提出了一种季节性水价模型(SWP),其主要目的是减少贝尔格莱德市的过量淡水使用量。季节性价格是根据2000年至2010年期间每月平均温度和每月总降水量的气象观测结果以及它们与30年正常水平的偏差确定的。 SWP操作基于事后价格确定,它会向水资源使用者传达有关资源短缺的信号。事前不知道每月的账单会有多高,但是知道价格制定规则后,消费者将处于一种改变其行为方式,以实现更可持续用水的状况。 SWP模式实施的潜力是:a)促使消费者追求合理性; b)节约宝贵的资源; c)使供水公司能够支付旺季的供水和相关费用。 SWP模型是为贝尔格莱德自来水和废水公司创建的,但在存在相同问题的所有其他城市中都可以轻松实施。



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