首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Cleaner Production >Untangling the relationship between Corporate Environmental Performance and Corporate Financial Performance: The double-edged moderating effects of environmental uncertainty

Untangling the relationship between Corporate Environmental Performance and Corporate Financial Performance: The double-edged moderating effects of environmental uncertainty


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Is corporate environmental performance (CEP) a benefit or a cost for corporate financial performance (CFP)? Some studies have concluded that CEP nurtures good stakeholder relationships and facilitates acquisition of critical resources controlled by those stakeholders, thereby suggesting a positive CEP-CFP link. By contrast, other researchers have taken a negative stance by suggesting that commitment to improve CEP diverts limited resources from value-creating activities and damages competitive advantage. This study reconciles the longstanding debate about the CEP-CFP link by integrating and extending existing perspectives. We suggest that the CEP-CFP link can be captured by an inverse U-shape, which is steeper and of a lower plateau in higher levels of environmental uncertainty characterized by high dynamism, low munificence, and high complexity. We find strong support for these arguments using a panel dataset of 8364 firm-year observations from 1455 industrial firms. These findings encourage managers to conduct a benefit-cost analysis for determining the optimal level of commitment to CEP. Caution should be paid to the double-edged effect of high levels of environmental uncertainty, which enables CEP to bring great marginal increase (decrease) of financial performance at the left (right) side of the curve. (C) 2020 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
机译:公司环境绩效(CEP)是企业财务业绩(CFP)的福利或成本吗?一些研究已经得出结论,CEP培养了良好的利益相关者关系,并促进收购由这些利益攸关方控制的关键资源,从而暗示了一个正面的CEP-CFP链接。相比之下,其他研究人员通过建议改善CEP从价值创造活动和损害竞争优势损害竞争优势的致力于改善CEP转向有限的资源。本研究通过集成和扩展现有的观点来调整关于CEP-CFP链路的长期争论。我们建议CEP-CFP链路可以通过逆U形捕获,其陡峭的U形和较低的高原在更高水平的环境不确定程度,其特征在于具有高活力,低的旺,以及高复杂性。我们使用来自1455个工业公司的3364年企业年鉴的面板数据集找到了对这些论点的强烈支持。这些调查结果鼓励管理人员对确定对CEP的最佳承诺水平进行益处成本分析。谨慎应支付对高水平的环境不确定性的双刃效应,这使得CEP能够在曲线的左(右侧)侧的财务表现的巨大边际增加(减少)。 (c)2020由elestvier有限公司发布



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