首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Chinese Society of Menhanical Engineers >Mathematical Model and Tooth Undercutting of Curvilinear Gears with Circular-Arc tooth Profiles

Mathematical Model and Tooth Undercutting of Curvilinear Gears with Circular-Arc tooth Profiles


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本論文提出一圓弧型曲線齒齒輪(circular-arc rncurvilinear-tooth gear)。本研究依據齒輪原理來推rn導出圓弧型曲線齒大小齒輪之齒面數學模式,並依rn據所推導之齒面數學模式繪製齒輪外形。此外,圓rn弧型曲線齒齒輪的齒面過切的問題亦加以探討,本rn研究也以範例來進行齒面過切分析,探討齒面過切rn之始末奇異點及過切線的位置,同時也計算出齒輪rn不發生過切的最小齒數。%In this paper, the curvilinear gear with circular-arc tooth profiles is proposed. A mathematical model of the gear is developed based on the theory of gearing. The developed mathematical model of the proposed circular-arc curvilinear gear is then adopted to show the computer graph of gear teeth. Besides, the tooth undercutting is also investigated. Some numerical examples for tooth undercutting analysis of this type of gears are studied and illustrated. The initial tooth undercutting points and tooth undercutting line of the proposed curvilinear gear are investigated. In addition, the minimum number of gear teeth for tooth non-undercutting is also calculated.
机译:本论文提出一圆弧型曲线齿齿轮(circular-arc rncurvilinear-tooth gear)。本研究依据齿轮原理来推rn导出圆弧型曲线齿大小齿轮之齿面数学模式,并依rn据所推导之齿面数学模式绘制齿轮外形。此外,圆rn弧型曲线齿齿轮的齿面过切的问题亦加以探讨,本rn研究也以范例来进行齿面过切分析,探讨齿面过切rn之始末奇异点及过切线的位置,同时也计算出齿轮rn不发生过切的最小齿数。 %In this paper, the curvilinear gear with circular-arc tooth profiles is proposed. A mathematical model of the gear is developed based on the theory of gearing. The developed mathematical model of the proposed circular-arc curvilinear gear is then adopted to show the computer graph of gear teeth. Besides, the tooth undercutting is also investigated. Some numerical examples for tooth undercutting analysis of this type of gears are studied and illustrated. The initial tooth undercutting points and tooth undercutting line of the proposed curvilinear gear are investigated. In addition, the minimum number of gear teeth for tooth non-undercutting is also calculated.



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