首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Chinese political science >The 'Chinese Dream' Deconstructed: Values and Institutions

The 'Chinese Dream' Deconstructed: Values and Institutions


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The new Chinese leadership promised to deliver a 'Chinese Dream' with the rejuvenation and the prosperity of the Chinese nation and the happiness of the people as China's development goals. While articulating the necessity of the further reform and opening-up, they also put an emphasis on the adherence to a 'socialist way of Chinese characteristics' in that the party leadership is regarded as its imperative. For the 'Chinese Dream' to be realized, a set of values were proclaimed, including prosperity, democracy, civility, harmony, freedom, equality, justice, rule of law, patriotism, dedication, integrity and friendship. Beside the existing institutions such as the system of democratic centralism, the CCP-led multi-party cooperation and system of people's congresses, a set of new institutions were proclaimed as well, including a brand new 'socialist' system of rule of law and modern state governance system. This paper provides updated information and analysis of these newly proclaimed values and institutions, which serve an important new foundation for China to gain high economic efficiency, sustainable productivity, and escape from a 'middle-income trap', and support the endeavor to realize the 'Chinese Dream'. However, its realization depends on whether the new leadership can successfully enforce a competitive market order and the rule of law in the years to come.
机译:新的中国领导人承诺以中华民族的复兴和繁荣,人民的幸福为中国的发展目标,实现“中国梦”。在阐明进一步改革开放的必要性的同时,他们也强调坚持“中国特色社会主义方式”,因为党的领导是当务之急。为了实现“中国梦”,人们宣布了一系列价值观,包括繁荣,民主,文明,和谐,自由,平等,正义,法治,爱国主义,奉献精神,诚信和友谊。除了现有的体制,例如民主集中制,中共领导的多党合作和人大制度外,还宣布了一系列新制度,包括崭新的法治和社会主义“社会主义”制度。国家治理体系。本文提供了有关这些新近宣布的价值观和制度的最新信息和分析,为中国获得高经济效率,可持续生产力,摆脱“中等收入陷阱”,为实现这一目标的努力提供了重要的新基础。 “中国梦”。但是,其实现取决于新领导层能否在未来几年内成功执行竞争性市场秩序和法治。



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