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Muhamad S. Olimat, China and the Middle East: From Silk Road to Arab Spring

机译:Muhamad S. Olimat,中国和中东:从丝绸之路到阿拉伯之春

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Muhamad Olimat's book on China's relations with the Middle East is an important contribution to the under-researched relationship between the Middle Kingdom and the kingdoms and republics of the Middle East. The book begins with an historical overview of China's relations with the region, documenting the extensive cooperation that flowed along the Silk Road trade routes. He notes that China's relations with the Muslim peoples of Central Asia and the Middle East (China's own Muslims aside), has been relatively peaceful, save for the Battle of the Talas River (in today's Kyrgyzstan) in 751 between China's Tang Dynasty and the Arab Abbasids. With the help of Uighur and Tibetan armies, the Arabs won. Peace followed, and in the colonial and post-colonial eras, the two civilizations found much common cause in anti-imperialism and anti-colonialism. More recently, with its astronomical growth rates China has "gone out" looking for resources and trade partners, and at the time of writing, 43 % of China's oil imports came from the Middle East. China's crude oil imports (barrels/day in thousands in 2010) are ranked as follows: Saudi Arabia (893), Angola (788), Iran (426), Oman (317), Russia (284), Sudan (252), Iraq (225), Kuwait (197), Kazakhstan (184), Brazil (151), and Libya (148) (p48). Despite Beijing's recent attempts to diversify its oil sourcing and escape the "Malacca dilemma," Olimat notes that the Middle East will continue to figure largely in China's future economic and strategic plans.
机译:穆罕默德·奥利马特(Muhamad Olimat)撰写的有关中国与中东关系的书对中东王国与中东王国和共和国之间关系的研究不足做出了重要贡献。这本书从对中国与该地区关系的历史回顾开始,记录了丝绸之路贸易路线上广泛的合作。他指出,中国与中亚和中东穆斯林人民(除了中国自己的穆斯林)的关系相对和平,除了中国唐朝和阿拉伯人之间在751年的塔拉斯河战役(今天的吉尔吉斯斯坦)外阿拔斯在维吾尔族和藏族军队的帮助下,阿拉伯人获胜。随之而来的是和平,在殖民时代和后殖民时代,这两个文明在反帝国主义和反殖民主义中找到了很多共同的原因。最近,中国以其天文数字的增长率“消失了”寻找资源和贸易伙伴,在撰写本文时,中国43%的石油进口来自中东。中国的原油进口量(2010年为千桶/日)按以下顺序排名:沙特阿拉伯(893),安哥拉(788),伊朗(426),阿曼(317),俄罗斯(284),苏丹(252),伊拉克(225),科威特(197),哈萨克斯坦(184),巴西(151)和利比亚(148)(p48)。尽管北京最近试图使其石油资源多样化并摆脱“马六甲困境”,奥利马特指出,中东将继续在中国未来的经济和战略计划中占主导地位。



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