首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology >Clozapine Versus “High-Dose” Olanzapine in Refractory Early-Onset Schizophrenia: An Open-Label Extension Study

Clozapine Versus “High-Dose” Olanzapine in Refractory Early-Onset Schizophrenia: An Open-Label Extension Study


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Objective: A recent 12-week controlled comparison demonstrated the superiority of clozapine to “high-dose” olanzapine in adolescents with treatment-refractory schizophrenia. In the present study, the authors conducted a 12-week, open-label, follow-up study to examine changes in lipid and glucose metabolism in youths maintained on clozapine and to determine whether patients who were previously randomized to high-dose olanzapine (up to 30 mg/day) responded to clozapine.nnMethod: Thirty three (14 clozapine, 19 olanzapine) (85%) of 39 patients were available for the present 12-week, open-label extension study. Extended safety data using an intention-to-treat analysis from the 14 subjects treated with clozapine for a total of 24 weeks are presented. In addition, we report the clinical outcomes for 10 of 19 olanzapine-treated patients who were switched after 12 weeks to clozapine due to treatment nonresponse. Clinical response was defined as a decrease of 30% or more in total Brief Psychiatric Rating score from week 12 and a Clinical Global Impression–Improvement rating of 1 (very much improved) or 2 (much improved).nnResults: The incidence of hypertriglyceridemia (defined as fasting triglycerides >125 mg/dL) (10/14 = 71%) and the incidence of “prediabetes” (defined as fasting blood glucose ≥100) (4/14 = 29%) at week 24 in the clozapine-treated subjects were notable. Seven (70%) of 10 of young patients with schizophrenia who failed treatment with “high-dose” olanzapine were found to respond to a 12-week, open-label clozapine trial.nnConclusions: Clinicians and caregivers need to be aware of potential metabolic adverse events of long-term clozapine treatment. Adolescents with a poor response to olanzapine may do better on clozapine.
机译:目的:最近的一项为期12周的对照比较证明,在难治性精神分裂症青少年中,氯氮平优于“大剂量”奥氮平。在本研究中,作者进行了为期12周的开放标签随访研究,以检查氯氮平维持的年轻人的脂质和葡萄糖代谢的变化,并确定以前是否随机接受大剂量奥氮平治疗的患者(方法:氯氮平至30 mg /天)nn方法:39名患者中的33名(14名氯氮平,19名奥氮平)(本比例为85%)可用于本为期12周的开放标签扩展研究。提出了使用意向性治疗分析从14例接受氯氮平治疗的患者中获得的扩展安全性数据,共计24周。此外,我们报告了19例奥氮平治疗患者中的10例的临床结果,这些患者由于治疗无反应而在12周后改用氯氮平。临床反应的定义是,从第12周起,总的简短精神病学评分降低30%或更多,临床总体印象-改善评分为1(改善很多)或2(改善很多)。nn结果:高甘油三酯血症的发生率(在接受氯氮平治疗的第24周时,定义为空腹甘油三酯> 125 mg / dL)(10/14 = 71%)和“前驱糖尿病”(定义为空腹血糖≥100)(4/14 = 29%)的发生率主题是值得注意的。在“高剂量”奥氮平治疗失败的10位年轻精神分裂症患者中,有7位(70%)对一项为期12周的开放性氯氮平临床试验产生了反应。长期服用氯氮平的不良反应。对奥氮平反应不良的青少年服用氯氮平可能会更好。



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