首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Chemical Ecology >Effect of Urea Fertilizer Application on Soluble Protein and Free Amino Acid Content of Cotton Petioles in Relation to Silverleaf Whitefly (Bemisia argentifolii) Populations

Effect of Urea Fertilizer Application on Soluble Protein and Free Amino Acid Content of Cotton Petioles in Relation to Silverleaf Whitefly (Bemisia argentifolii) Populations


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The impact of urea nitrogen fertilization on silverleaf whitefly, Bemisia argentifolii Bellows & Perring, population dynamics was examined in field-grown cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Five urea nitrogen treatments were tested, consisting of soil applications of 0, 112, 168, and 224 kg nitrogen per hectare, and a combined soil–foliar application of 112:17 kg nitrogen per hectare. A positive response was observed between N application rates and the measured levels of nitrate N in petioles from mature cotton leaves. Similarly, a positive response was observed between N application rates and the numbers of adult and immature whiteflies appearing during population peaks. To determine whether these positive responses were related, we measured the levels of dietary N compounds (proteins and free amino acids) that would be available for insect nutrition in cotton petioles at the different N application rates. Sampling dates and N application treatments affected levels of soluble proteins in cotton petioles, and interactions between sampling dates and treatments were significant. Across all sampling dates, the relationship between N application rates and levels of soluble proteins was linear. Sampling dates also affected levels of total and individual free amino acids. Fertilizer treatments only affected levels of total amino acids, aspartate, asparagine, and arginine plus threonine. Levels of aspartate or asparagine and the N application rates were linearly correlated. No significant correlations were observed between levels of dietary N compounds in cotton petioles and numbers of whiteflies, either adults or immatures, on the cotton plants.
机译:在田间种植的棉花(棉(Gossypium hirsutum L.))中,研究了尿素氮肥对银叶粉虱,银粉虱,种群动态的影响。测试了五种尿素氮处理方法,包括每公顷土壤施用0、112、168和224千克氮,以及每公顷土壤与叶面施用112:17千克氮。在成熟棉叶的叶柄中,氮肥施用量与硝酸盐氮水平之间呈阳性反应。同样,在施氮量与种群高峰期间出现的成年和未成熟粉虱数量之间也观察到了积极的反应。为了确定这些阳性反应是否相关,我们测量了在不同氮肥施用量下可用于棉花叶柄昆虫营养的膳食氮化合物(蛋白质和游离氨基酸)的水平。采样日期和施氮处理会影响棉花叶柄中可溶性蛋白的水平,并且采样日期和处理之间的相互作用非常显着。在所有采样日期中,N施用量与可溶性蛋白质水平之间的关系是线性的。采样日期也影响总游离氨基酸和单个游离氨基酸的水平。化肥处理仅影响总氨基酸,天冬氨酸,天冬酰胺和精氨酸加苏氨酸的水平。天冬氨酸或天冬酰胺水平与氮肥施用量呈线性相关。在棉花的叶柄中,日粮中的氮化合物含量与成年或未成年的粉虱数量之间没有显着的相关性。



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