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Whither the bully pulpit: leadership communications and corporate transformation


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Recent geopolitical tensions around the world have shone a fresh light on the role of leadership communications in shaping the outcome of events. Much ink has been spilt criticizing President Obama's communication style (Stolberg, 2009) and applauding (or mocking) Vladimir Putin's taste for virile photo ops that involve playing with tigers (Kramer, 2012). Implicit in much of this commentary is the idea that a leader's communications style has a distinct impact on perception, whether in stiffening the resolve of one nation against another or giving a people in the midst of deep economic recession a hope to soldier on until better times return. President Theodore Roosevelt is probably the best known of American leaders who held this view when he described the successful leader as someone who spoke softly and carried a big stick (Goodwin, 2013) but the idea of the voice of the leader him or herself carrying a people forward, expressing fundamental principles, pointing to the future has had many transcendent expressions. President Franklin Roosevelt's fireside chats during the Depression (Roosevelt, 1933-1944) come to mind as does Ronald Reagan' s challenge to Mikhail Gorbachev "to tear down that wall" (Reagan, 1987).
机译:最近全球各地的地缘政治紧张局势使领导沟通在塑造事件结果方面的作用有了新的亮点。批评奥巴马总统的沟通方式(斯托尔伯格,2009年)并赞扬(或嘲笑)弗拉基米尔·普京(Vladimir Putin)喜欢与老虎玩耍的生动照片操作(Kramer,2012年),这已经引起了很多关注。在此评论的大部分内容中都暗含着这样一种观点,即领导人的沟通方式会对知觉产生明显影响,无论是加强一个国家对另一国的决心,还是给处于严重经济衰退中的人们一个希望一直坚持下去直到更美好时期的希望返回。总统西奥多·罗斯福(Theodore Roosevelt)可能是最著名的美国领导人,他将成功的领导人形容为说话轻声细语并举着大棒子的人(古德温,2013年),但领导者表达了他或她自己的声音的想法。人们前进,表达基本原则,指出未来有许多超越的表达。在大萧条时期(罗斯福,1933-1944年),富兰克林·罗斯福总统的炉边闲谈让人想起,罗纳德·里根(Ronald Reagan)对米哈伊尔·戈尔巴乔夫(Mikhail Gorbachev)的挑战“推翻了那堵墙”(里根,1987年)。



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