首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Business Research >Corporate social responsibility effects on social network sites

Corporate social responsibility effects on social network sites


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This online experiment investigates how marketers could maximize favorable consumer responses to brand pages on social network sites (SNSs) through the strategic use of corporate social responsibility (CSR). Two types of CSR, cause-related marketing (CRM) and cause sponsorship (CS), and the control group (control) are compared. The results reveal the following major findings: (1) CRM leads to the greatest consumer intention to join the SNS brand page, followed by CS and control; (2) CRM results in the greater intention to invite friends to the brand page than either CS or control; (3) such effects of CSR are mediated by the consumer expectancy to be seen as favorable; and (4) the effect of CSR on the intention to join is moderated by the type of brand, but not the type of self-friend gender composition. The study provides a theoretical discussion and practical implications.
机译:这项在线实验调查了营销人员如何通过战略性使用企业社会责任(CSR)来最大限度地提高消费者对社交网站(SNSs)上的品牌页面的满意反应。比较了两种类型的CSR:因果相关营销(CRM)和因果赞助(CS),以及对照组(control)。结果揭示了以下主要发现:(1)CRM导致最大的消费者意图加入SNS品牌页面,其次是CS和控制; (2)与CS或控件相比,CRM产生了更大的邀请朋友进入品牌页面的意图; (3)CSR的这种影响是由消费者的期望介导的,被认为是有利的; (4)企业社会责任对加入意愿的影响取决于品牌的类型,而不取决于自交性别组成的类型。该研究提供了理论讨论和实践意义。



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