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Going green: How different advertising appeals impact green consumption behavior


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This research explores how abstract appeal (i.e., describing the features of green products in a more vague way) and concrete appeal (i.e., describing the features of green products in a more specific way) can encourage consumers to engage in green consumption behavior, such as purchasing green products. Across three experiments, this research tests the prediction that abstract (concrete) appeal is more effective in generating green purchase intentions than concrete (abstract) appeal in situations where the benefit association of green products is other (self). Public self-awareness and identity salience moderate the effect of appeal type and benefit association on green purchase intentions. In particular, when green products associate with the benefit of other, abstract appeal is more effective, whereas both abstract and concrete appeals are less effective when green products associate with the benefit of self. This effect is moderated by public self-awareness and whether a collective level of self or an individual level of self is made salient. The results provide important managerial implications for marketers who seek to promote green consumption by suggesting that rather than merely depending on the types of advertising appeals, marketers should modify their advertising message to match the benefit association of the products and to consider the situations where public self-awareness and identity salience are present. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:这项研究探索了抽象的吸引力(即以更模糊的方式描述绿色产品的特征)和具体的吸引力(即以更具体的方式描述绿色产品的特征)如何鼓励消费者参与绿色消费行为,例如作为购买绿色产品。在三个实验中,本研究测试了以下预测:在绿色产品的利益关联是其他(自身)的情况下,抽象(具体)吸引力在产生绿色购买意图方面比具体(抽象)吸引力更有效。公众的自我意识和身份显着性可以缓解申诉类型和利益关联对绿色购买意图的影响。尤其是,当绿色产品与他人的利益相关联时,抽象的吸引力会更加有效,而当绿色产品与自我的利益相关联时,抽象和具体的吸引力都将不那么有效。公众的自我意识以及集体的自我水平或个人的自我水平是否显着都会减轻这种影响。结果表明,营销人员不仅建议仅取决于广告诉求的类型,还应修改其广告信息以匹配产品的利益关联,并考虑公众自我的情况,从而为寻求促进绿色消费的营销人员提供重要的管理意义。存在意识和身份显着性。 (C)2015 Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。



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