首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Business Ethics >Shareholders and Social Responsibility

Shareholders and Social Responsibility


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The article presents an analysis and critique of Milton Friedman's argument that the social responsibility of business is merely to increase its profits. The analysis uncovers a central claim that Friedman implies, but does not explicitly defend, namely that the shareholders of a corporation have no duty to direct that corporation's management to exercise social responsibility. An argument against this claim is then advanced by way of a convergence strategy, whereby multiple influential moral approaches are shown to align themselves against Friedman. The convergence strategy shows that Friedman's position lies on the lonely fringes of Western moral thought, and that at least some of Friedman's professed adherents appear to offer incoherent moral views. The convergence strategy is shown to suggest, but not entail, a stakeholder model of the corporation. The article concludes by considering two objections.
机译:本文对米尔顿·弗里德曼(Milton Friedman)的论点进行了分析和批评,后者认为企业的社会责任仅仅是为了增加其利润。该分析揭示了弗里德曼所隐含但没有明确辩护的核心主张,即公司的股东没有义务指示该公司的管理层行使社会责任。然后通过趋同策略提出反对这一主张的论据,据此显示出多种有影响力的道德方法与弗里德曼保持一致。趋同策略表明弗里德曼的立场位于西方道德思想的孤独边缘,而且至少有一些弗里德曼自称信奉信徒的人似乎提供了不一致的道德观。融合策略显示出建议,但并不意味着公司的利益相关者模型。本文最后考虑了两个反对意见。



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