首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Business Ethics >The Sarbanes-Oxley Act Will Change the Governance of Non Profit Organizations

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act Will Change the Governance of Non Profit Organizations


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As a public director of a NASDAQ stock exchange listed public corporation, I have seen how quickly the reforms in corporate governance imposed by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act have changed procedures and policies in public corporations. In areas such as transparency of financial records and other financial matters including compensation of top executives and conflict of interest policies affecting both corporate boards of directors and employees of the corporation the reforms of this new federal law have quickly changed corporate practices in many corporations. Many persons who have studied this new law believe that these changes will benefit the public, shareholders, employees, and other stakeholders in the modern corporation by increasing the reputation of these organizations for integrity and transparency. Stock exchanges such as NASDAQ and the New York Stock Exchange now require all listed companies to have (after a transition time) a majority of independent directors on their boards of directors. Only independent directors may serve on the audit, nominating and compensation committees of boards in most cases. Some exceptions are made to these rules for foreign and domestic issues of companies where a majority of the voting power is held by one person. According to Morrison & Foster LLP, Corporate Board Advisory March , 2004, NASDAQ requires that the board of directors of a listed company determine that an independent director does not have a relationship that would "interfere with the exercise of independent judgment" in carrying out the responsibilities of a director.
机译:作为在纳斯达克证券交易所上市的公众公司的公共董事,我已经看到《萨班斯-奥克斯利法案》对公司治理进行的改革迅速改变了公众公司的程序和政策。在诸如财务记录透明度和其他财务事项(包括高管人员薪酬)和影响公司董事会和雇员的利益冲突政策等领域,这项新的联邦法律的改革迅速改变了许多公司的公司惯例。研究这项新法律的许多人认为,这些变化将通过提高这些组织在诚信和透明度方面的声誉来使现代公司的公众,股东,员工和其他利益相关者受益。纳斯达克和纽约证券交易所等证券交易所现在要求所有上市公司(在过渡期之后)在其董事会中拥有多数独立董事。在大多数情况下,只有独立董事才能在董事会的审计,提名和薪酬委员会中任职。这些规则的某些例外情况适用于公司的国内外发行事宜,其中多数表决权由一个人持有。根据Morrison&Foster LLP(公司董事会咨询,2004年3月),纳斯达克要求上市公司的董事会确定独立董事在执行董事会决议时不存在“干扰独立判断的行使”的关系。董事的职责。



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