首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Business Ethics >Roche's Clinical Trials with Organs from Prisoners: Does Profit Trump Morals?

Roche's Clinical Trials with Organs from Prisoners: Does Profit Trump Morals?


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This case study discusses the economic, legal, and ethical considerations for conducting clinical trials in a controversial context. In 2010, pharmaceutical giant Roche received a shame award by the Swiss non-govemmental organization Berne Declaration and Greenpeace for conducting clinical trials with organs taken from executed prisoners in China. The company respected local regulations and industry ethical standards. However, medical associations condemned organs from executed prisoners on moral grounds. Human rights organizations demanded that Roche ended its clinical trials in China immediately. Students are expected to review the economic and ethical issues regarding the outsourcing of clinical trials to controversial human rights contexts, and discuss how to make business decisions when there are conflicts between making profit and ethical considerations. Was Roche complicit in the human rights violations that were related to its clinical trials? Future patients might benefit from these clinical trials. Do profit and the greater good, in general, trump morals?
机译:本案例研究讨论了在有争议的背景下进行临床试验的经济,法律和道德考虑。 2010年,制药巨头罗氏(Roche)因对从中国死刑犯身上取走的器官进行的临床试验而获得了瑞士非政府组织伯尔尼宣言和绿色和平组织的耻辱奖。公司尊重当地法规和行业道德标准。但是,医学协会出于道德理由谴责死刑犯的器官。人权组织要求罗氏立即在中国终止其临床试验。希望学生们审查有关将临床试验外包到有争议的人权情况的经济和道德问题,并讨论在盈利与道德考量之间存在冲突时如何做出商业决策。罗氏(Roche)是否参与了与其临床试验有关的侵犯人权行为?未来的患者可能会从这些临床试验中受益。一般来说,利润和更大的利益是否比道德更胜一筹?



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