首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Business Ethics >The Moral Disillusionment Model of Organizational Transgressions: Ethical Transgressions Trigger More Negative Reactions from Consumers When Committed by Nonprofits

The Moral Disillusionment Model of Organizational Transgressions: Ethical Transgressions Trigger More Negative Reactions from Consumers When Committed by Nonprofits


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We tested whether the impact of an organizational transgression on consumer sentiment differs depending on whether the organization is a nonprofit. Competing hypotheses were tested: (1) that people expect higher ethical standards from a nonprofit than a commercial organization, and so having this expectation violated generates a harsher response (the moral disillusionment hypothesis) and (2) that a nonprofit's reputation as a moral entity buffers it against the negative consequences of transgressions (the moral insurance hypothesis). In three experiments (collective N = 1372) participants were told that an organization had engaged in fraud (Study 1), exploitation of women (Study 2), or unethical labor practices (Study 3). Consistent with the moral disillusionment hypothesis, decreases in consumer trust post-transgression were greater when the organization was described as nonprofit (compared to a commercial entity), an effect that was mediated by expectancy violations. This drop in trust then flowed through to consumer intentions (Study 1) and consumer word of mouth intentions (Studies 2 and 3). No support was found for the moral insurance hypothesis. Results confirm that nonprofits are penalized more harshly than commercial organizations when they breach consumer trust.
机译:我们测试了组织违规对消费者情绪的影响是否因本组织是非营业而异。竞争假设被测试:(1)人们预计非营利组织的道德标准比商业组织更高,因此这种预期侵犯了一个令人满意的反应(道德幻灭假设)和(2),这是一个非营利性的声誉作为道德实体的声誉缓冲违规的负面后果(道德保险假设)。在三个实验中(集体N = 1372),参与者被告知,一个组织从事欺诈(研究1),剥削妇女(学习2)或不道德的劳动惯例(研究3)。与道德幻灭假设一致,当本组织被描述为非营利组织(与商业实体相比)时,消费者信托的减少更大,这是预期违规的效果。这种信任下降然后流到了消费者意图(研究1)和嘴巴意图的消费者词(研究2和3)。没有找到道德保险假设的支持。结果确认,当违反消费者信任时,非营利组织比商业组织更加严厉地惩罚。



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