首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Business Ethics >To Be or Not to Be Governed Like That? Harmful and/or Offensive Advertising Complaints in the United Kingdom's (Self-) Regulatory Context

To Be or Not to Be Governed Like That? Harmful and/or Offensive Advertising Complaints in the United Kingdom's (Self-) Regulatory Context

机译:是或不像那样治理? 在英国(自我)监管背景下的有害和/或令人反感的广告投诉

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This paper demonstrates how the UK's Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) governs advertising ethics with and on behalf of its members and stakeholders. Drawing on an archive of 310 non-commercial (i.e., not-for-profit and public) adjudication reports, we highlight the substantive norms and procedural mechanisms through which the ASA governs advertising complaints alleging offence and/or harm. Substantively, the ASA precludes potential normative transgressions by publishing, disseminating, consulting upon, and updating detailed codes of advertising conduct. Procedurally, the ASA adjudicates between allegations and justifications of offence and harm on a received complaint-by-complaint basis, often upon consequentialist grounds. Such consequentialism, we claim, has the effect of normalizing power imbalances between the ASA's members, on the one hand, and wider stakeholders, on the other hand. The paper argues that, in the context of UK advertising, what Michel Foucault called the right 'to be or not to be governed like that' is enjoyed by relatively few subjects. Having demonstrated how UK advertising practices are governed, the paper closes with suggestions as to how they might be governed otherwise.
机译:本文展示了英国的广告标准权限(ASA)如何代表其成员和利益攸关方管理广告伦理。绘制在310非商业(即非营利和公共)裁决报告的档案中,我们突出了ASA管辖广告投诉的实质性规范和程序机制,指控犯罪和/或伤害。基本上,ASA通过发布,传播,咨询和更新广告行为的详细代码排除了潜在的规范性越野。程序性地,ASA在指控和违反投诉基础上的指控和危害之间判决,往往在后果主义者的基础上。我们声称的这种后果主义,另一方面,在一方面和更广泛的利益相关者身上的效果效果。论文辩称,在英国广告的背景下,米歇尔福柯称为“与之”的米歇尔·福柯(Michel Foucault)相对较少的科目享有“那样”。表明了英国广告实践的核准方式,本文结束了关于他们如何衡量的建议。



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