首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Business Ethics >The Evolution of Business Groups' Corporate Social Responsibility

The Evolution of Business Groups' Corporate Social Responsibility


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In this theoretical paper, I analyze business groups' corporate social responsibility (CSR). Building on economic thinking, I propose that the level and diversity of CSR investments of business groups evolve with the development of the country, as a result of the interaction of two drivers: the level of infrastructure deficiencies and the cost of negative externalities. I argue that in underdeveloped countries, business groups have high levels and low diversity of CSR investments, focusing on the social arena to compensate for infrastructure deficiencies. As countries implement pro-market reforms and become emerging economies, the level of CSR investments diminishes as business groups can rely on external providers and the government for supporting infrastructure, but CSRdiversity increases to address the growing costs of negative externalities in the environmental and economic arenas. As countries further develop to become advanced economies, business groups' level and diversity of CSR investments increase to prevent the high costs of negative externalities in the social, environmental, and economic arenas proactively.
机译:在这篇理论论文中,我分析了企业集团的企业社会责任(CSR)。基于经济思想,我建议企业集团的企业社会责任投资的水平和多样性会随着国家的发展而发展,这是两个驱动因素相互作用的结果:基础设施缺陷水平和负面外部成本。我认为,在不发达国家,企业集团的企业社会责任投资水平高且多样性低,重点放在社会领域以弥补基础设施的不足。随着各国实施亲市场改革并成为新兴经济体,企业集团可以依靠外部供应商和政府来支持基础设施,因此企业社会责任的投资水平正在下降,但是企业社会责任多样性增加了,以应对环境和经济领域负面外部性的日益增长的成本。 。随着国家进一步发展成为发达经济体,企业集团在企业社会责任投资方面的水平和多样性也不断提高,从而积极预防了社会,环境和经济领域的负面外部性所带来的高昂成本。



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