首页> 外文期刊>Journal of broadcasting & electronic media >Kissing in the Carnage: An Examination of Framing on Twitter During the Vancouver Riots

Kissing in the Carnage: An Examination of Framing on Twitter During the Vancouver Riots


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This study examines the frames found on Twitter during the Vancouver riots on June 15, 2011. A textual analysis was employed, and resulted in the identification of 5 frames: fandom, riot propagation, global perspectives, shame on Vancouver, and real fans vs. idiots. The identification of these frames illustrated Twitter's role as a source of news and information, and also an outlet for shaping public opinion and cultural perception. Twitter provided the opportunity to counter public perceptions of Canadian hockey fans and the rioters through displays of dissociation, embarrassment, remorse, and comparisons to substantial global events of political unrest.
机译:这项研究调查了2011年6月15日温哥华骚乱期间在Twitter上发现的框架。采用了文字分析,得出了5个框架:同人圈,骚乱蔓延,全球视野,温哥华的耻辱以及真正的粉丝vs.白痴。这些框架的识别说明了Twitter作为新闻和信息来源的作用,也是塑造舆论和文化观念的渠道。 Twitter通过展示分离,尴尬,re悔以及与重大的全球政治动荡事件进行比较,提供了抵抗公众对加拿大曲棍球爱好者和暴徒的看法的机会。



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