首页> 外文期刊>Journal of bridge engineering >Performance Evaluation of RC Beams Strengthened with an Externally Bonded FRP System under Simulated Vehicle Loads

Performance Evaluation of RC Beams Strengthened with an Externally Bonded FRP System under Simulated Vehicle Loads


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Carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets can be used to strengthen existing RC bridge girders/decks. The objective of this study is to investigate whether transient vehicle loads present during the installation of CFRP influence the bond performance between the CFRP and the concrete substrate and, therefore, the consequent strengthening effect. A total of eight RC beams were tested. Two were unstrengthened reference beams, five were strengthened with CFRP sheets while subject to transient loads, and the final beam was strengthened with CFRP sheets while subject to only a sustained static load. The test parameters included the amplitude of the transient load, the anchorage length of the CFRP sheets, and the reinforcing/strengthening ratio. The transient loads were continued for 2 days (during CFRP cure) before all five CFRP-strengthened RC beams were tested to failure in four-point flexure. The test results were compared with those of the reference beams and the one strengthened under a sustained load. It was shown that a 1 -Hz sinusoidal transient load varying between 30 and 50% of the ultimate capacity of the unstrengthened beam during the installation and curing of the CFRP sheets does not affect the structural performance of CFRP-strengthened RC beams. This result demonstrates the applicability of the fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) strengthening technique for bridge girders that are subjected to continuous vehicle loads.
机译:碳纤维增强聚合物(CFRP)板可用于加固现有的RC桥梁大梁/甲板。这项研究的目的是研究在CFRP安装过程中出现的瞬态车辆载荷是否会影响CFRP与混凝土基底之间的粘结性能,从而影响其加固效果。总共测试了八个RC梁。两根未加强的参考梁,五根在瞬态荷载作用下用CFRP板加固,而最后一根梁在仅承受持续静载荷的情况下用CFRP板加固。测试参数包括瞬态载荷的幅度,CFRP板的锚固长度以及增强/加强比。持续的瞬态载荷持续2天(在CFRP固化过程中),然后测试所有五个CFRP加固的RC梁在四点弯曲时是否失效。将测试结果与参考梁进行了比较,并在持续载荷下对其进行了加固。结果表明,在CFRP片材的安装和固化过程中,1 Hz的正弦瞬态载荷在未加固梁的极限承载力的30%到50%之间变化,不会影响CFRP加固RC梁的结构性能。该结果证明了纤维增强聚合物(FRP)增强技术在承受连续车辆载荷的桥梁中的适用性。



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