首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Biosciences >Mammotrope heterogeneity in the pituitary gland of European ferret, Mustela putorius furo: An immunoelectron-microscopic study

Mammotrope heterogeneity in the pituitary gland of European ferret, Mustela putorius furo: An immunoelectron-microscopic study


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Employing the superimposition technique of electron-microscopic immunocyto- chemistry ultrastructural heterogeneity of the mammotropes in the pituitary gland of the European ferret, Mustela putorius furo, was studied. On the basis of the size of their secretory granules, the mammotropes were classified into three subtypes, type-I, type-II and type-III, which may correspond to different developmental or physiological states of a single cell type. Simultaneous study of mammotropes and somatotropes in several pairs of serial semithin sections demonstrated the occasional occurrence of bihormonal somato- mammotropes/mammosomatotropes which may represent a transitional stage of the progenitor stem-somatotrope during its differentiation into mammotrope; alternatively it may be a functional intermediate during the cross-transformation of somatotrope into mammotrope or vice versa.
机译:利用电子显微镜免疫细胞化学的叠加技术,研究了欧洲雪貂(Mustela putorius furo)的垂体中的哺乳类动物的超结构异质性。根据它们的分泌颗粒的大小,将嗜乳菌分为三种亚型:I型,II型和III型,它们可能对应于单个细胞类型的不同发育或生理状态。在几对连续的半薄切片中同时进行了对促乳素和生长激素的同步研究,结果表明偶发的促生长激素/促乳腺激素偶尔会出现,这可能代表了祖干-生长激素在分化为亲乳菌时的过渡阶段。替代地,它可以是在生长激素向交叉转化的转化过程中的功能中间体,反之亦然。



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