首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Behavioral Decision Making >Competitive escalation and interventions

Competitive escalation and interventions


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Competitive escalation occurs frequently in managerial environments, when decisions create sunk costs and decision makers compete under time pressure. In a series of experiments using a minimal dollar auction paradigm, we test interventions to prevent competitive escalation. Without any intervention, most people, including experienced managers, escalate and lose money by bidding more than the price is worth (e.g., more than 10 Euro for 10 Euro). We test several interventions, in which we provide individuals with different types of experience: direct experience in structurally identical and in structurally similar situations, as well as direct experience in similarly competitive situations (lacking the escalation dimension). We also study indirect experience based on vicariously learning about the situation's consequences (experienced by others) and based on mental simulation by setting oneself a limit regarding where to exit the competition. In 3 experiments (N=1,229), we find that direct experience in exactly the same or a structurally similar situation allows individuals to prevent subsequent escalation, whereas direct experience in a similar situation without escalation does not. Indirect experience based on vicarious learning successfully reduces competitive escalation, whereas a goal-setting intervention that has proven instrumental in reducing classic escalation of commitment is not effective. This pattern of variation in the effectiveness of different interventions is consistent with the theory of a hot-cold empathy gap that prevents people from anticipating how they will experience a competitive situation before entering it. As a methodological contribution, we developed a deception-free computer-player dollar-auction for online participants and a dynamic chicken game.
机译:在管理环境中,当决策产生沉没成本并且决策者在时间压力下竞争时,竞争性升级经常发生。在一系列使用最小的美元拍卖范例的实验中,我们测试了干预措施以防止竞争性升级。在没有任何干预的情况下,包括经验丰富的经理在内的大多数人都会通过出价超过价格的价值(例如,10欧元兑换10欧元以上)来升级和亏本。我们测试了几种干预措施,在这些干预措施中,我们为个人提供了不同类型的经验:在结构相同和结构相似的情况下的直接经验,以及在竞争类似的情况下(缺乏升级的维度)的直接经验。我们还通过间接了解情况的后果(他人经历)和通过为自己设定退出比赛的限制的心理模拟来研究间接经验。在3个实验中(N = 1,229),我们发现在完全相同或结构相似的情况下的直接体验可以使个人防止随后的升级,而在没有升级的类似情况下的直接体验则不能。基于替代学习的间接经验可以成功地减少竞争性升级,而事实证明,旨在减少承诺的经典升级的目标设定干预无效。不同干预措施有效性的这种变化模式与热同情差距理论相一致,该理论使人们无法预测进入竞争环境之前他们将如何经历竞争环境。作为一种方法上的贡献,我们为在线参与者开发了无欺骗的计算机玩家美元拍卖和动态鸡游戏。



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