首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Asian earth sciences >Variations of b-values preceding large earthquakes in the Andaman-Sumatra subduction zone

Variations of b-values preceding large earthquakes in the Andaman-Sumatra subduction zone


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Fifteen largest earthquakes, M_w ≥ 7, occurring between 2000 and 2010 in the Andaman-Sumatra region are studied. The available USGS list of events used is complete for a threshold magnitude M_c = 4.5 and contains 6973 shocks. Spatial and temporal variation of b-values, in the Gutenberg-Richter formula log N = a - bM, was investigated in six selected epicentral regions. The technique of moving spatial- and time-windows was applied. Deduced b-values show large variations from 0.55 to 2.40. The 15 largest events all took place within regions of low b and were preceded by significant drops in b-values. Observed correspondence between low b and the occurrence of large earthquakes suggests that b{t) has a potential which could be employed in a medium term (months, years) earthquake prediction.
机译:对安达曼-苏门答腊地区2000年至2010年发生的15次M_w≥7大地震进行了研究。可用的USGS事件列表已完成,阈值幅度M_c = 4.5,并且包含6973次电击。在六个选定的震中区域研究了古腾堡-里希特公式log N = a-bM中b值的时空变化。应用了移动空间和时间窗口的技术。推导的b值显示从0.55到2.40的较大差异。 15个最大的事件都发生在b较低的区域内,然后b值显着下降。低b与大地震发生之间的对应关系表明b {t)具有可以用于中期(月,年)地震预测的潜力。



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