首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Asian earth sciences >Irregular plate boundary controls on Foreland Basin sedimentation (Miocene, Kahramanmaras Foreland Basin, SE Turkey)

Irregular plate boundary controls on Foreland Basin sedimentation (Miocene, Kahramanmaras Foreland Basin, SE Turkey)


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The northern movement of the Arabian Plate led to the development of a compressional regime in the south-eastern part of Turkey after the Late Cretaceous. The collision of the Arabian Plate with the Anatolide-Taurides Platform and subsequent development of the Kahramanmaras Foreland Basin at the beginning of the Miocene evolved as a result of this movement. An irregular plate geometry or promontory of the Arabian Plate caused partitioning of the plate margin (precollision-collision-postcollision). This irregular plate boundary was delimited by western and northern boundary faults and an interior basin fault. The NW-oriented small wedge top basins on the overlying Anatolide-Taurides Platform obliquely cut through the foredeep basin. The region (across the wedge top basin) on the irregular promontory of the underlying Arabian Plate contains different sedimentation depocentres. Small fining-upward submarine fan deposits (including pebbly channel deposits and coarsening-upward lobe sequences) are located at the centre of the irregular part of the plate (in the Tanir region) and overlie planktic foraminifera-bearing claystones. These submarine fan sediments pass outboard into distal interbedded turbidite claystones and siltstones in a downdip direction (S-SE). The boundary fault intersection of the promontory led to the development of a submarine slope environment with irregular sea-floor topography in the Firniz area (4-5 km south-east of the Tanir region). The slump deposits, sandy debrites, and fine-grained thin-bedded turbidites filled this region. Structural alignments and seismicity associated with the plate margin were the main controlling factors on the geometry of the depocentre, sediment quantity, sediment input, sedimentary facies, local sea level changes, and post-sedimentary deformation in the Kahramanmaras Foreland Basin. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:白垩纪晚期之后,阿拉伯板块的北部运动导致了土耳其东南部的压缩政权的发展。阿拉伯板块与Anatolide-Taurides平台的碰撞以及中新世初Kahramanmaras前陆盆地的后续开发是这一运动的结果。板的几何形状不规则或阿拉伯板的海角导致板边缘的分隔(碰撞前碰撞后碰撞)。这个不规则的板块边界由西部和北部边界断层以及内部盆地断层界定。上覆的Anatolide-Taurides平台上面向西北的小型楔形顶部盆地倾斜地穿过前深盆地。下方阿拉伯板块不规则海角上的区域(横跨楔形顶部盆地)包含不同的沉积沉积中心。细小向上的海底扇形沉积物(包括卵石状通道沉积物和向上粗化的叶序)位于板块不规则部分的中心(在塔尼尔地区),并覆盖有板状有孔虫的粘土岩。这些海底扇状沉积物沿下倾方向(S-SE)向外进入远距离夹层的浊质粘土岩和粉砂岩中。海角的边界断层相交导致了菲尔尼兹地区(塔尼尔地区东南4-5公里)海底斜坡环境的发展,海底地形不规则。坍塌的沉积物,沙质的碎屑和细颗粒的薄层浊质填充了该区域。与板块边缘相关的构造走向和地震活动性是影响Kahramanmaras前陆盆地沉积中心的几何形状,沉积物数量,沉积物输入,沉积相,局部海平面变化和沉积后变形的主要控制因素。 (C)2015 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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