首页> 外文期刊>Journal of arid environments >Total energy budget and prey requirements of free-ranging coyotes in the Great Basin desert of the western United States

Total energy budget and prey requirements of free-ranging coyotes in the Great Basin desert of the western United States


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Estimates of energetic demands for carnivore species can be valuable for estimating their annual prey requirements and thus, their potential impact on prey populations. This is the case for the coyote (Canis latrans) which has a ubiquitous distribution and preys on a wide variety of wild and domestic prey species. We took data on daily activity of coyotes and with standard energy models, estimated the daily field metabolic rate (FMR) of adult male and female coyotes in the Great Basin desert of the western United States. We then calculated the total annual energy demand and from this, extrapolated annual prey needs for lagomorph and rodent-sized prey. Daily FMR of male coyotes in the Great Basin desert averaged 1170.1 kcal +- 29.1, S.E. (n=11) and was significantly higher than 988.6 kcal +- 44.3 (n = 8) for females (p = 0.002). The highest reproductive cost for females was lactation (1441.1 kcal/day above FMR). Males and females need to consume 192 and 162 lagomorphs, or 3681 and 3110 rodents/year, respectively. For reproduction, females should consume 37 more lagomorphs or 700 more rodents per year. We concluded that preference for lagomorphs by coyotes reflects the most reasonable energy return on their hunting investment.
机译:估计食肉动物的能量需求对于估算其年度猎物需求以及因此对食肉种群的潜在影响可能是有价值的。土狼(Canis latrans)就是这种情况,土狼分布广泛,并捕食各种野生和家养猎物。我们获取了土狼的日常活动数据并使用标准的能量模型,估算了美国西部大盆地沙漠中成年雄性和雌性土狼的每日田间代谢率(FMR)。然后,我们计算了年度总能量需求,并据此推算了lagomorph和啮齿动物大小的猎物的年度猎物需求。大盆地沙漠中雄性土狼的每日FMR平均为1170.1 kcal +-29.1,S.E. (n = 11),并且明显高于女性的988.6 kcal±44.3(n = 8)(p = 0.002)。女性的最高生殖成本是哺乳期(高于FMR 1441.1 kcal /天)。雄性和雌性每年需要分别食用192和162块象形文字,或啮齿类动物3681和3110。为了繁殖,雌性每年应多食用37种菱形动物或700多只啮齿动物。我们得出的结论是,土狼偏爱lagomorph反映了其狩猎投资中最合理的能量回报。



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