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The changing contexts of the desertification debate


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A great many debates have grown up around the notion of desertification as a process of degradation that affects the arid, semi-arid and sub-humid zones of the globe. A fundamental and continuing debate has been over whether desertification actually exists and, if so, how it might be defined, measured and assessed. Rather than simply review the evolution of these debates we examine the contexts in which they take place and how those contexts have contributed to the evolution of our understanding of the intertwined processes that contribute to desertification. The fact that these contexts have changed over time, combined with the fact that some of them are often ignored have both helped to sustain debate. We consider four contexts that frame much of the debate and consider what impact each has had: (1) changes in our understanding of climate variability; (2) changes in our understanding of vegetation responses to perturbation; (3) changes in our understanding of social processes, including household responses to economic perturbation; and (4) changes in our understanding of desertification as a political process or artifact.
机译:关于荒漠化这一退化过程影响着地球的干旱,半干旱和半湿润地区,引起了许多争论。关于荒漠化是否确实存在以及如果存在的话,如何定义,衡量和评估荒漠化一直是一个基本而持续的辩论。我们不仅考察这些辩论的发展,还研究它们发生的背景以及这些背景如何促进我们对导致荒漠化的相互联系的过程的理解的发展。这些环境随着时间而改变的事实,加上其中一些经常被忽略的事实,都有助于维持辩论。我们考虑了构成辩论的大部分内容的四个方面,并考虑了每个方面所产生的影响:(1)我们对气候变异性的理解发生了变化; (2)我们对植被对摄动反应的理解的变化; (3)我们对社会过程的理解发生了变化,包括家庭对经济动荡的反应; (4)改变我们对荒漠化的理解是一个政治过程或人工制品。



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