首页> 外文期刊>Journal of arid environments >Rangeland degradation in a semi-arid South Africa—II: influence on soil quality

Rangeland degradation in a semi-arid South Africa—II: influence on soil quality


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The impact of rangeland degradation on soil characteristics (compaction, temperature, soil-water content, infiltrability, root and litter turnover, and the organic matter content), was determined for a semi-arid rangeland. Sampling was from rangeland artificially maintained in three different rangeland conditions, viz. good, moderate and poor. Due to the lower basal cover of rangeland in poor condition, soil compaction increased (p ≤ 0.01) and temperature, water-content, infiltrability and organic matter content decreased (p ≤ 0.01) with rangeland degradation. The mean soil compaction of rangeland in good, moderate and poor conditions was 6.37, 11.51 and 18.34 kg cm~(-2), respectively. The highest temperatures on top of the soil of 55, 49 and 46 ℃ for rangeland in poor, moderate and good conditions respectively, occurred during December. Where rainfall is the biggest determining factor for production in rangeland in poor condition, under higher soil-water conditions, nitrogen is for rangeland in good condition. After only 5 years following degradation, organic C was significantly lower (22.15%) over the first 50mm soil layer and total N significantly lower (12.91%) over the first 100mm in rangeland in poor condition than that of good condition rangeland. Rangeland degradation lengthened the replacement of total root system with about a year and decomposition time of litter with 8 months. The importance of maintaining rangeland in good condition and soil quality to help ensure sustainable utilization of the grassland ecosystem was stressed.
机译:确定了半干旱牧场的草地退化对土壤特征(密实度,温度,土壤水含量,渗透性,根和凋落物周转率以及有机质含量)的影响。采样来自人工维持在三种不同牧场条件下的牧场。好,中等和差。由于牧场条件差,基层覆盖率较低,随着牧场退化,土壤压实度增加(p≤0.01),温度,水分,渗透性和有机质含量降低(p≤0.01)。在良好,中度和恶劣条件下,牧场的平均土壤压实度分别为6.37、11.51和18.34 kg cm〜(-2)。分别在恶劣,中度和良好条件下,牧场的土壤最高温度分别为55、49和46℃,发生在12月。降雨是条件恶劣的牧场的最大决定因素,而土壤水条件较高时,氮是条件良好的牧场的氮。退化后仅5年,在条件差的牧场中,有机碳在头50毫米土壤层中明显降低(22.15%),而在头100毫米中总氮显着低于条件良好的草地(12.91%)。牧场的退化延长了整个根系的更换时间,大约一年,而枯枝落叶的分解时间延长了8个月。强调了维持牧场状况良好和土壤质量以确保草地生态系统可持续利用的重要性。



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