首页> 外文期刊>Journal of arid environments >Seasonal water dynamics of a sky island subalpme forest in semi-arid southwestern United States

Seasonal water dynamics of a sky island subalpme forest in semi-arid southwestern United States


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This paper describes the first results from a hydro-micrometeorological study designed to characterize the surface exchanges of water, and CO_2, at a sky island forest site in the Santa Catalina Mountains. Data collected between June 2002 and December 2004 is used to describe the seasonal water/carbon dynamics of this ecosystem. During the severely dry pre-monsoon period (May-June) when vapor pressure deficit exceeded 2kPa, daytime relative humidity was below 20%, and soil moisture was less than 10%, the predominantly Douglas Fir/Pine forest severely reduced or curtailed its photosynthetic activity. At the onset of the monsoon season in July, the vegetation responded rapidly to the precipitation input, as soil moisture increased. The trees then remained relatively active throughout the fall and winter, particularly if there was adequate winter precipitation which promoted very high productivity into early spring. Given the relative importance of mountain island forest in this semi-arid landscape in terms of its contribution to area-average surface water and carbon exchange, the strong and somewhat unusual coupled seasonal cycles, this forest ecosystem likely has hitherto unrecognized implication for the seasonality of the regional-scale water and carbon cycle.
机译:本文介绍了一项水微气象研究的第一个结果,该研究旨在表征圣卡塔利娜山脉天空岛森林站点上的水和CO_2的表面交换。 2002年6月至2004年12月之间收集的数据用于描述该生态系统的季节性水/碳动态。在极端干燥的季风前期(5月至6月),当蒸气压亏空超过2kPa,白天相对湿度低于20%,土壤湿度低于10%时,道格拉斯冷杉/松树林主要是严重减少或减少了其光合能力活动。在7月的季风季节开始时,随着土壤湿度的增加,植被对降水输入的反应迅速。然后,树木在整个秋季和冬季保持相对活跃,特别是如果冬季降水充足,则可以提早进入早春。鉴于山地岛森林在半干旱景观中对区域平均地表水和碳交换的贡献,相对强烈且有些不同寻常的季节性周期变化的相对重要性,该森林生态系统可能迄今尚未得到人们的认可。区域尺度的水和碳循环。



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