首页> 外文期刊>Journal of architectural education >The Act Of Creation And The Spirit Of A Place: A Holistic-phenomenological Approach To Architecture

The Act Of Creation And The Spirit Of A Place: A Holistic-phenomenological Approach To Architecture


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Beginning in the 1960s with Robert Venturi's Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture and Aldo Rossi's The Architecture of the City, numerous books have described the failures of modern architecture. Some have focused on abstraction and alienation, finding modern buildings to be ill-sited, poorly-scaled, and generally miserable places to inhabit, problems many feel exist to this day. Architecture has continually generated new approaches to design, from systems building to semiology to postmodernism to deconstructivism, but none has led to a more humane architecture. Another line of thinking was proposed by Christopher Alexander in three seminal works in the 1970s. In The Timeless Way of Building, A Pattern Language, and The Oregon Experiment, Alexander and his coauthors asked, "How was it possible that any simple farmer could make a house a thousand times more beautiful than all the struggling architects of the last fifty years could do?" Their answer was that vernacular buildings are assembled from traditional elements long used in given building types. Since these elements are as much events as objects, and since their relationships are more important than their dimensions, Alexander called them "patterns." More recently, Alexander has extended his ideas in another series of books beginning with The Nature of Order.
机译:从1960年代开始,罗伯特·文图里(Robert Venturi)的建筑的复杂性和矛盾性以及奥尔多·罗西(Aldo Rossi)的《城市建筑》,许多书籍都描述了现代建筑的失败。有些人专注于抽象和疏离,发现现代建筑位置不当,规模不佳且通常是可悲的居住地,但到今天为止,许多人仍感觉到问题。从系统构建到符号学到后现代主义再到解构主义,建筑学一直在不断产生新的设计方法,但是没有一种方法导致了更人性化的建筑学。克里斯托弗·亚历山大(Christopher Alexander)在1970年代的三项开创性著作中提出了另一种思路。在《永恒的建筑方式,一种模式语言和俄勒冈实验》中,亚历山大和他的合著者问道:“一个简单的农民怎么可能使一所房子比过去五十年来所有苦苦挣扎的建筑师美丽一千倍。可以做?”他们的回答是,民用建筑是由长期使用给定建筑类型的传统元素组装而成的。由于这些元素与对象一样多的事件,并且它们之间的关系比它们的维度重要,因此亚历山大将它们称为“模式”。最近,亚历山大在《秩序的本质》一书中扩展了他的想法。



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