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Taxonomy and distribution of Sargassum (Phaeophyceae) in the Gulf of Thailand


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Ten species of Sargassum (Sargassaceae, Phaeophyceae) were found along the Gulf of Thailand. Morphological characteristics of Sargassum baccularia (Mertens) C.A. Agardh, S. binderi Sonder, S. cinereum J.G. Agardh, S.crassifolium J.G. Agardh, S. longifructum Tseng et Lu, S. oligocystum Montagne, S. polycystum C.A. Agardh, S. siliquosum J.G. Agardh, S. swartzii (Turner) C.A. Agardh and one unidentified species were examined and are described in detail. The most common species were S. polycystum distributed widely in almost all the study sites, S. crassifolium restricted to Prachuap Khirikhan Province, S. longifructum restricted to Chumphon Province, S. siliquosum restricted to Surat Thani Province and one unidentified species restricted to Songkhla Province. Three species (S. cinereum, S. longifructum and S. swartzii) are new records for the algal flora of Thailand. Five species (S. baccularia, S. cinereum, S. longifructum, S. polycystum and the unidentified species) belong to the section Zygocarpicae (J.G. Agardh) Setchell.
机译:在泰国湾沿岸发现了10种Sargassum(Sargassaceae,Phaeophyceae)。马尾藻(Sargassum baccularia(Mertens)C.A.)的形态特征Agardh,S.binderi Sonder,S.cinereum J.G. Agardh,S.crassifolium J.G. Agardh,S. longifructum Tseng等,Lu,S. oligocystum Montagne,S. polycystum C.A.阿加德,S. siliquosum J.G. Agardh,S.swartzii(特纳)C.A.检查并详细描述了Agardh和一种不明物种。最常见的物种是在几乎所有研究地点广泛分布的多囊葡萄球菌,仅限于Prachuap Khirikhan省的景天葡萄球菌,仅限于春蓬省的长叶葡萄球菌,仅限于素叻他尼省的刺槐葡萄球菌和仅限于宋卡府的一种未鉴定物种。 。灰藻(S. cinereum),沙门氏菌(S. longifructum)和沙门氏菌(S. swartzii)三种是泰国藻类植物的新记录。五个物种(S. baccularia,S。cinereum,S。longifructum,S。polycystum和未鉴定物种)属于Zygocarpicae(J.G. Agardh)Setchell区域。



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