首页> 外文期刊>Journal of applied econometrics >MODELLING INFLATION VOLATILITY



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This paper discusses estimation of US inflation volatility using time-varying parameter models, in particular whether it should be modelled as a stationary or random walk stochastic process. Specifying inflation volatility as an unbounded process, as implied by the random walk, conflicts with priors beliefs, yet a stationary process cannot capture the low-frequency behaviour commonly observed in estimates of volatility. We therefore propose an alternative model with a change-point process in the volatility that allows for switches between stationary models to capture changes in the level and dynamics over the past 40 years. To accommodate the stationarity restriction, we develop a new representation that is equivalent to our model but is computationally more efficient. All models produce effectively identical estimates of volatility, but the change-point model provides more information on the level and persistence of volatility and the probabilities of changes. For example, we find a few well-defined switches in the volatility process and, interestingly, these switches line up well with economic slow-downs or changes of the Federal Reserve Chair. Moreover, a decomposition of inflation shocks into permanent and transitory components shows that a spike in volatility in the late 2000s was entirely on the transitory side and characterized by a rise above its long-run mean level during a period of higher persistence. Copyright (C) 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:本文讨论了使用时变参数模型估算美国通货膨胀波动性的方法,特别是应将其建模为平稳行走还是随机行走随机过程。正如随机游走所暗示的那样,将通货膨胀波动率指定为一个无边界的过程与先验信念相冲突,但是平稳的过程不能捕获通常在波动率估计中观察到的低频行为。因此,我们提出了一种具有波动性变化点过程的替代模型,该模型允许在固定模型之间进行切换,以捕获过去40年中水平和动态的变化。为了适应平稳性限制,我们开发了一个新的表示形式,该表示形式与我们的模型等效,但在计算上更为有效。所有模型都有效地产生了相同的波动率估计值,但是变更点模型提供了有关波动率水平和持续性以及变化概率的更多信息。例如,我们在波动率过程中发现了一些定义明确的转换,有趣的是,这些转换与经济放缓或美联储主席的变动很好地吻合。此外,通货膨胀冲击分解为永久性和暂时性成分表明,在2000年代后期,波动率的峰值完全在暂时性方面,并且在持续性较高的时期内,其波动率超过了长期平均水平。版权所有(C)2015 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.



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