首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Animal Science >Postnatal piglet husbandry practices and well-being: The effects of alternative techniques delivered separately1,2

Postnatal piglet husbandry practices and well-being: The effects of alternative techniques delivered separately1,2


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The aim of this study was to evaluate stress responses evoked by 2 alternative methods for performing the following processing procedures: 1) teeth resection-clipping vs. grinding; 2) tail docking-cold vs. hot clipping; 3) identification-ear notch vs. tag; 4) iron administration-injection vs. oral; 5) castration-cords cut vs. torn. Eight to 10 litters of 8-, 2-, and 3-d-old piglets were assigned to each procedure. Within each litter, 2 piglets were assigned to 1 of 4 possible procedures: the 2 alternative methods, a sham procedure, and a sham procedure plus blood sampling. Blood was sampled before processing and at 45 mm, 4 h, 48 h, 1 wk, and 2 wk postprocedure and assayed for cortisol and endorphin. Procedures were videotaped and analyzed to evaluate the time taken to perform the procedure and the number of squeals, grunts, and escape attempts. Vocalizations were analyzed to determine mean and peak frequencies and duration. Piglets were weighed before the procedure and at 24 h, 48 h, 1 wk, and 2 wk afterward. Lesions were scored on a scale of 0 to 5 on pigs in the identification, tail docking, and castration treatments at 24 h, 1 wk, and 2 wk postprocedure. For teeth resection, grinding took longer than clipping and resulted in greater cortisol concentration overall, poorer growth rates, and longer vocalizations compared with pigs in the control treatment (P < 0.05). For tail docking, hot clipping took longer, and hot-clipped piglets grew slower than cold-clipped piglets (P < 0.05). Hot clipping also resulted in longer and higher frequency squealing compared with pigs in the control treatment (P < 0.01). For identification, ear notching took longer than tagging, and ear-notched piglets had worse wound scores than tagged piglets (P <0.05). Cortisol concentrations at 4 h also tended to be greater for ear-notched piglets (P < 0.10). Ear notching evoked calls with higher peak frequencies than the control treatments. For iron administration, oral delivery took numerically longer than injecting, but there were no significant differences between injecting and oral delivery for any of the measures. For castration, tearing took longer than cutting the cords (P < 0.05), but endorphin concentrations at 45 mm postprocedure were greater for cut piglets. When measures of behavior, physiology, and productivity were used, the responses to teeth resection, tail docking, and identification were shown to be altered by the procedural method, whereas responses to iron administration and castration did not differ. The time taken to carry out the procedure would appear to be an important factor in the strength of the stress response. [PUBLICATION ABSTRACT]
机译:这项研究的目的是评估通过以下两种处理方法引起的两种方法引起的应力反应:1)切除牙齿的夹子与打磨的牙齿; 2)尾部冷接vs.热剪接; 3)识别耳槽与标签的关系; 4)铁-注射vs.口服; 5)去势线割与撕裂。每个程序分配8至10窝8,2和3 d仔猪。在每个垫料中,将2只仔猪分配给4种可能的程序之一:2种替代方法,假程序,假程序以及血液采样。在处理之前以及术后45 mm,4 h,48 h,1 wk和2 wk对血液进行采样,并分析皮质醇和内啡肽。对过程进行录像并进行分析,以评估执行过程所需的时间以及尖叫声,咕gr声和逃生尝试的次数。分析发声以确定平均和峰值频率以及持续时间。在手术前和24小时,48小时,1周和2周后对仔猪称重。在术后24 h,1 wk和2 wk的鉴定,尾巴对接和去势治疗中,对猪的病变评分为0到5。与对照组相比,对于猪来说,磨牙要比剪牙要花更长的时间,并导致总体皮质醇浓度更高,生长速度较差,发声时间更长(P <0.05)。对于尾部对接,热剪毛需要更长的时间,热剪断的仔猪比冷剪断的仔猪生长慢(P <0.05)。与对照组相比,热夹钳还导致更长的尖叫频率和更高的尖叫频率(P <0.01)。为了进行识别,耳朵切痕要比贴标签的时间更长,并且带有切口的耳朵的仔猪的伤口得分要比贴标签的仔猪要差(P <0.05)。有耳凹的仔猪在4 h时皮质醇浓度也趋于更高(P <0.10)。耳陷诱发的呼叫的峰值频率高于对照组。对于铁剂给药,口服给药在数值上要比注射给药更长,但是对于任何一种措施,注射和口服给药之间没有显着差异。对于去势,撕裂要比切断脐带花费更长的时间(P <0.05),但是切开的仔猪在手术后45毫米时的内啡肽浓度更高。当使用行为,生理和生产力的测量方法时,对牙齿切除,尾巴对接和识别的反应被程序方法改变了,而对铁施用和去势的反应没有差异。进行该过程所花费的时间似乎是应力响应强度的重要因素。 [出版物摘要]



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