首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Animal Science >Pedigree analysis of seven small French sheep populations and implications for the management of rare breeds1

Pedigree analysis of seven small French sheep populations and implications for the management of rare breeds1


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Pedigree information was analyzed in 7 small populations of sheep raised in France (Bleu du Maine, Charmoise, Cotentin, on-farm Romanov, Ramanov ex situ in vivo, Roussin de la Hague, Solognote) to estimate their genetic variability. The pedigree information for each breed, estimated by the number of equivalent generations traced, ranged from rather poor (4.6) to very good (10.5) when compared with other studies. On the basis of probabilities of gene origin, the effective number of ancestors ranged from 17 (on-farm Romanov breed) to 59 (Bleu du Maine). On the basis of the rate of inbreeding, the realized effective size was found to range from 65 (Romariov breed ex situ) to 231 (Bleu du Maine). The average kinship coefficients between rams from which semen doses are available in the French National Cryobank and the active ram and ewe populations were also computed. Results found in each breed were analyzed by taking into consideration the demographic evolution of the breeds, their management practices, and the use of cryopreservation as a way to preserve genetic variability. It appeared quite clear that, in populations in which All with frozen semen is seldom used, factors that mainly affect the genetic variability are the female-to-male ratio, which should be as small as possible, and the number of reproducing female offspring by males, which should be as balanced as possible. Finally, our work showed that all populations under study have fairly good genetic variability in comparison with other species, despite their scarce numbers. [PUBLICATION ABSTRACT]
机译:在法国饲养的7个小绵羊种群中分析了家谱信息(Bleu du Maine,Charmoise,Cotentin,农场Romanov,离体的Ramanov体内,Roussin de la Hague,Solognote),以评估它们的遗传变异性。与其他研究相比,通过追踪的等效代数估算的每个品种的谱系信息范围从相当差(4.6)到非常好(10.5)。根据基因起源的概率,祖先的有效数量从17个(农场罗曼诺夫品种)到59个(缅因州布鲁特)不等。根据近交率,发现有效有效范围从65(非原产Romariov品种)到231(缅因州布鲁)。还计算了法国国家冷冻银行可提供精液剂量的公羊与活跃公羊和母羊种群之间的平均亲属系数。分析每个品种的结果时要考虑到品种的人口统计学演变,其管理方法以及使用冷冻保存作为保存遗传变异性的一种方法。很明显,在很少使用全精液冷冻的人群中,主要影响遗传变异的因素是雌雄比,该比例应尽可能小,以及繁殖后代的数量。男性,应尽可能保持平衡。最后,我们的工作表明,尽管数量稀少,但与其他物种相比,所有被研究种群具有相当好的遗传变异性。 [出版物摘要]



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