首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Animal Science >Head-only followed by cardiac arrest electrical stunning is an effective alternative to head-only electrical stunning in pigs1

Head-only followed by cardiac arrest electrical stunning is an effective alternative to head-only electrical stunning in pigs1


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Many small slaughter facilities use head-only electrical stunning to render swine unconscious and insensible to pain before slaughter. Head-only electrical stunning is a reversible procedure that is optimally effective for approximately 15 s after stun completion. In many small North American slaughter plants, the authors have observed hoist speeds that are too slow to achieve a short enough stun-to-bleed interval to maintain insensibility through exsanguination. Unlike many European plants, there is no separate high-speed hoist for pigs and exsanguination on the floor is not condoned. As a result, a 2-stage stunning method was proposed where head-only stunning for 3 s was immediately followed by application of the same stunning wand to the cardiac region of the animal for 3 s while lying in lateral recumbancy. A paired-comparison study was conducted on 89 pigs in a small slaughter facility to compare the head-only method applied for 6 s with the head/heart method. The objective was to evaluate signs of return to sensibility, stun-to-bleed time, blood lactate concentration, muscle pH, drip loss, and fresh meat color to validate the head/heart electrical stunning method for small slaughter plants. Incidence of corneal reflex was not different (P > 0.05) between head/heart (93.8%) and head only (85%) stunning. Nose twitching was more common (P 0.05) between stunning methods (head only: 8.8 ± 0.7 mmol/L, head/heart: 7.8 + 0.7 mmol/L). Stun-to-bleed time did not differ (P > 0.05; head only: 32 ± 1 s, head/heart: 33 ± 1 s). Mean time to loss of heartbeat with the head-only method was 121 ± 5 s. No heartbeat was observed with the head/heart method. Longissimus thoracis pH, color, and drip loss were not different (P > 0.05) between stunning methods. This study determined that the head/heart electrical stunning method reduces the incidence of signs of return to sensibility without significant effects on meat quality, plant operation speed, or blood lactate concentration. In addition, the head/heart method requires no capital investment for plants that are currently using the head-only method. [PUBLICATION ABSTRACT]
机译:许多小型屠宰场使用头部电击技术使猪失去知觉,并且在屠宰前对疼痛不敏感。仅头电击晕是可逆过程,在眩晕完成后约15 s内效果最佳。在许多北美小型屠宰厂中,作者观察到提升机速度太慢,无法达到足够短的眩晕至出血间隔,无法通过放血维持敏感性。与许多欧洲工厂不同,没有用于猪的单独的高速葫芦,也不容许地板上出现放血现象。结果,提出了一种两阶段击昏方法,其中立即进行仅头击昏3 s,然后在侧卧时向动物的心脏区域施加相同的击昏棒3 s。在小型屠宰场中对89头猪进行了成对比较研究,比较了6 s的头顶法和头/心法。目的是评估恢复敏感性,流血时间,血液乳酸浓度,肌肉pH值,滴水损失和鲜肉颜色的迹象,以验证小型屠宰厂的头部/心脏电击晕方法。头部/心脏(93.8%)和仅头部(85%)惊呆之间角膜反射的发生率没有差异(P> 0.05)。在击晕方法之间,鼻子抽搐更为常见(P 0.05)(仅头部:8.8±0.7 mmol / L,头部/心脏:7.8 + 0.7 mmol / L)。晕厥至出血时间无差异(P> 0.05;仅头部:32±1 s,头部/心脏:33±1 s)。仅采用头部方法的平均心律丧失时间为121±5 s。头部/心脏方法未观察到心跳。令人惊叹的方法之间,胸果的最长酸碱度,颜色和滴水损失没有差异(P> 0.05)。这项研究确定,头部/心脏电击晕方法可降低恢复敏感迹象的发生率,而对肉品质量,工厂运行速度或血液乳酸浓度没有明显影响。另外,对于目前正在使用仅头方法的工厂,头/心方法不需要资本投资。 [出版物摘要]



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