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Four Reviews on Poverty and Inequality


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The four books reviewed in this section tackle different aspects of poverty and inequality in American society. Each clearly outlines the heart of the problem and the policies, or lack thereof, that attempt to address the challenges that poverty and inequality create. A common thread of these books is the compelling use of narrative to illustrate the complexity of creating upward mobility in our society. Two of the books, authored by Edin and Kefalas, and Shapiro, derive their main contributions through the revelations provided by extensive in-depth interviews. These interviews take us beyond the extant explanations of policy problems to explore roots of behavior and individual perceptions of their conditions. The remaining two books by Vinovskis and Reese, respectively, detail the historical and political evolution of two different policies that are considered to be cornerstones in America's safety net.
机译:本节中回顾的四本书探讨了美国社会中贫困和不平等的不同方面。每一章都清楚地概述了问题的核心以及试图解决贫困和不平等造成的挑战的政策或缺乏政策的问题。这些书的共同点是,叙事的引人注目的用法说明了在我们的社会中创造向上流动的复杂性。由爱丁(Edin)和凯法拉斯(Kefalas)以及夏皮罗(Shapiro)撰写的两本书,是通过广泛的深度访谈所提供的启示而得出的。这些访谈使我们超越了对政策问题的现有解释,从而探究了行为的根源和个人对其状况的看法。 Vinovskis和Reese的其余两本书分别详述了两种不同政策的历史和政治演变,这两种政策被认为是美国安全网的基石。



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