首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Aircraft >Real Time Morphing Wing Optimization Validation Using Wind-Tunnel Tests

Real Time Morphing Wing Optimization Validation Using Wind-Tunnel Tests


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In this paper,wind-tunnel results of a real time optimization of amorphingwing in thewind tunnel for delaying thentransition toward the trailing edge are presented. A morphing rectangular finite aspect ratio wing, having a windntunnel experimental airfoil reference airfoil cross section, was considered, with its upper surface made of a flexiblencompositematerial and instrumented with Kulite pressure sensors and two smart memory alloys actuators. Severalnwind-tunnel test runs for various Mach numbers, angles of attack, and Reynolds numbers were performed in then60nu0001 90nwind tunnel at the Institute for Aerospace Research at the National Research Council Canada. Unsteadynpressure signals were recorded and used as feedback in real time control while the morphing wing was requested tonreproduce various optimized airfoils by changing automatically the two actuators’ strokes. This paper shows thenoptimizationmethod implemented into the control software code that allows themorphing wing to adjust its shape tonan optimum configuration under the wind-tunnel airflow conditions.
机译:给出了风洞中无定形机翼实时优化的风洞结果,以延缓向后缘的过渡。考虑了一个变形的矩形有限长宽比机翼,该机翼具有风洞实验翼型参考翼型截面,其上表面由柔性复合材料制成,并装有Kulite压力传感器和两个智能记忆合金致动器。在加拿大国家研究委员会航空航天研究所的60nu0001 90nwind隧道中,对各种马赫数,迎角和雷诺数进行了几次nwind隧道测试。非定常压力信号被记录下来并用作实时控制的反馈,同时要求变形机翼通过自动改变两个执行器的冲程来重现各种优化的机翼。本文说明了在控制软件代码中实现的优化方法,该方法允许变形机翼在风洞气流条件下将其形状调整为最佳配置。



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