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The NAV CANADA Model: An ANS Model That Has Withstood the Test of Time

机译:NAV CANADA模型:经受住时间考验的ANS模型

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NAV CANADA has owned and operated the Canadian civil air navigation service (ANS) since Nov. 1, 1996, after having purchased the system from the Government of Canada for $1.5 billion. NAV CANADA is a private-sector company, in charge of air traffic control, flight information, airport advisory, and the many other services typical of an air navigation service provider. There is no longer any substantive debate about the effectiveness of the NAV CANADA model as the organizational and corporate basis for managing the world's second largest ANS, in terms of air traffic movements, airspace size, and physical assets.
机译:自从加拿大政府以15亿加元的价格购买了该系统之后,NAV CANADA自1996年11月1日起拥有并运营加拿大民用航空导航服务(ANS)。 NAV CANADA是一家私营公司,负责空中交通管制,航班信息,机场咨询以及空中航行服务提供商的许多其他服务。就空中交通流量,空域规模和实物资产而言,关于NAV CANADA模型作为管理全球第二大ANS的组织和公司基础的有效性,已经不再有任何实质性辩论。



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