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Aircraft Manufacturer's Liability and the Boeing 737 MAX 8 Conundrum

机译:飞机制造商的责任和波音737 MAX 8难题

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One of the questions that would arise in the B737 MAX 8 issue is whether an aircraft manufacturer must merely ensure that an aircraft is safe to fly and that there is no attendant responsibility for the manufacturer to make an aircraft "safe" to crash. This distinguishes between the manufacturer's liability for not making the aircraft perform safe navigation, and not making the aircraft "safe" to land, for instance, in water in an emergency. In other words, the manufacturer would be liable for avionics but not necessarily liable for fixing an apparatus that could be deployed in a landing on water. This principle was enunciated in the 1966 analogy of Evans v. General Motors Corp.76 where the court held that it was unreasonable to expect a manufacturer to make a motor vehicle accident proof or fool-proof when the danger to be avoided is obvious to all. What the court held was that the vehicle must be reasonably fit to carry out its major function of providing safe transport, but it cannot be expected that it would be equipped with a pontoon if it accidentally fell into the water.
机译:B737 MAX 8问题中会出现的问题之一是,飞机制造商是否仅应确保飞机可以安全飞行,制造商就没有责任使飞机“安全”坠毁。这区分了制造商的责任,即不使飞机执行安全导航,也不使飞机“安全”着陆,例如在紧急情况下在水中着陆。换句话说,制造商将对航空电子设备负责,但不一定对固定可部署在水上平台上的设备负责。 1966年Evans诉通用汽车公司(General Motors Corp.)的类比法1966年阐明了这一原则,法院裁定,当所有人都可以避免的危险明显时,指望制造商制造机动车事故证明或万无一失是不合理的。 。法院裁定,该车辆必须合理地适合履行其提供安全运输的主要功能,但不能指望如果它意外掉入水中,将装备浮船。



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