首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Advanced Transportation >Geographic information system-system dynamics procedure for bus rapid transit ridership estimation

Geographic information system-system dynamics procedure for bus rapid transit ridership estimation


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This paper presents a two-step procedure for estimating the total daily ridership (TDR) of a new bus rapid transit (BRT) route that runs along a corridor without a competing regular bus service. The first step of the procedure uses the Geographic Information System-Business Analyst desktop to analyze and extract the total population, employed population, housing units within 1/4 mile and 1/4 to 1/2 mile from the BRT stations in the base year, and their respective annual growth rates. These values are then used as inputs into the second step. The second step of the procedure uses a simulation model constructed by the system dynamics approach. This simulation model, which embeds the known relationships between the demographic variables and proposed BRT system's infrastructure and operational features, initially estimates the TDR of the base year. Simulation is then performed to estimate the TDR from the base year until a future year defined by the user. The two-step procedure has been validated with actual demographic and ridership data from the Las Vegas MAX BRT line and the Los Angeles Orange Line, respectively. The procedure has also been applied to the proposed BRT route along Mesa St. in El Paso, Texas, as a case study. The two-step procedure offers a new and relatively simple approach that complements the three known BRT ridership estimation methods currently acceptable by the U.S. Federal Transit Administration.
机译:本文提出了一个分两步的程序来估算一条新的快速公交(BRT)路线的每日总乘客量(TDR),该路线沿走廊运行而没有定期的常规公交服务。该程序的第一步是使用地理信息系统-业务分析员桌面来分析和提取基准年距BRT站1/4英里和1/4至1/2英里以内的总人口,从业人口,住房单位,以及它们各自的年增长率。然后将这些值用作第二步的输入。该过程的第二步使用由系统动力学方法构建的仿真模型。该模拟模型嵌入了人口统计学变量与拟议的BRT系统的基础设施和运营特征之间的已知关系,最初估算了基准年的TDR。然后执行仿真以估计从基准年到用户定义的未来年的TDR。两步程序已分别通过拉斯维加斯MAX BRT线和洛杉矶奥兰治线的实际人口统计数据和乘客数据进行了验证。作为案例研究,该程序也已应用于沿德克萨斯州埃尔帕索市Mesa St.的拟议BRT路线。分两步的程序提供了一种新的相对简单的方法,对美国联邦运输管理局目前接受的三种已知的BRT乘车率估算方法进行了补充。



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