首页> 外文期刊>Journal of accounting and public policy >The interplay between mandatory country-by-country reporting, geographic segment reporting, and tax havens: Evidence from the European Union

The interplay between mandatory country-by-country reporting, geographic segment reporting, and tax havens: Evidence from the European Union


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We investigate whether mandatory public country-by-country reporting (CBCR) by European Union (EU) banks affects geographic segment reporting. We find no significant change in the reported number of geographic segments, country segments, or line items per geographic segment disclosed in segment reporting notes after the introduction of CBCR. Consistent with the notion that EU banks may aggregate geographic segments to obfuscate tax haven activities, we find a positive association between tax haven intensity and geographic segment aggregation. Further, we document the location of banks' operations and the extent of their economic presence in tax havens. We find that EU banks report significantly higher profit margins, turnover per employee, and profit per employee, and lower book effective tax rates for operations located in tax havens, relative to non-tax havens. Our evidence suggests that mandatory public CBCR has limited impact on geographic segment reporting. Nevertheless, CBCR provides additional information to better identify the existence and scale of tax haven involvement. Our results should be informative for EU policymakers currently considering the expansion of public CBCR to all industries. They might also be relevant to researchers considering the decision usefulness of CBCR for financial statement users in estimating after-tax profitability and tax enforcement risk. (C) 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:我们调查欧盟(欧盟)银行的强制性公共国家逐个报告(CBCR)是否影响了地理分部报告。在引入CBCR后,我们发现报告的地理段,地理段数量,国家段或地理段的线条数量没有重大变化。与欧盟银行可以汇总地理群体以混淆避税活动的概念一致,我们在避税强度和地理分部聚合之间找到了积极的关系。此外,我们记录了银行业务的位置以及避税避风港的经济存在程度。我们发现欧盟银行报告的利润率大幅提高,每名员工的营业额,以及每名员工的利润,以及在避税避风港的避税避风港的业务的较低的税务税率。我们的证据表明强制性公众CBCR对地理分部报告的影响有限。然而,CBCR提供了额外的信息,以更好地确定避税避险的存在和规模。我们的业绩应提供信息,欧盟政策制定者目前正在考虑扩大公共CBCR到所有行业。他们也可能与研究人员有关,考虑到CBCR为财务报表用户估算税后盈利能力和税收执法风险的决定。 (c)2019 Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。



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