首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Academic Ethics >The Theory of Planned Behaviour: Will Faculty Confront Students Who Cheat?

The Theory of Planned Behaviour: Will Faculty Confront Students Who Cheat?


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Dealing with students who cheat can be one of the most stressful interactions that faculty encounter. This study focused on faculty responses to academic integrity violations and utilized the Theory of Planned Behaviour model to predict the target behaviour of whether faculty would speak face-to-face with a student suspected of cheating. After an elicitation phase to determine modal salient beliefs, a questionnaire was developed to measure the model's variables. The respondent database contained 206 tenured and non-tenured faculty from two large comprehensive universities. A stepwise multiple regression demonstrated the usefulness of the Theory of Planned Behaviour. Overall the model explained 43 % of the variance in predicting faculty members' intention to speak face-to-face with a student suspected of cheating. The most significant contribution was made by subjective norms (β=0.39), followed by attitude (β=O34), and perceived behavioural control (β=0.24).
机译:与作弊的学生打交道可能是教师遇到的最紧张的互动之一。这项研究的重点是教师应对违反学术诚信的行为,并利用“计划行为理论”模型来预测教师是否会与涉嫌作弊的学生面对面交谈的目标行为。在确定模态显着信念的启发阶段之后,开发了调查表以测量模型的变量。受访者数据库包含来自两所大型综合大学的206名终身和非终身任职教师。逐步多元回归证明了计划行为理论的有用性。总体而言,该模型解释了43%的方差,用于预测教师与疑似作弊学生面对面讲话的意图。最显着的贡献来自主观规范(β= 0.39),其次是态度(β= O34)和感知的行为控制(β= 0.24)。



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