首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the American Academy of Religion >Becoming Hebrew. The Creation of a Jewish National Culture in Ottoman Palestine. By Arieh Bruce Saposnik

Becoming Hebrew. The Creation of a Jewish National Culture in Ottoman Palestine. By Arieh Bruce Saposnik

机译:成为希伯来语。在奥斯曼帝国巴勒斯坦创造犹太民族文化。作者:Arieh Bruce Saposnik

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The topic of Arieh Bruce Saposnik’s Becoming Hebrew is the emergence ofna new Hebrew national culture in the Yishuv (the Jewish settlement) innOttoman Palestine from the last two decades of the nineteenth century untilnthe outbreak of World War I. Saposnik nicely describes and analyzes the cre-nation and distribution of Hebrew national culture in Palestine from its practicalnaspects, arguing that the new Hebrew culture was “very deliberately and self-nconsciously constructed” (15) as part of a process of homogenization. He alsonunderstands the new Hebrew culture as a mélange of the Jewish world,nEuropean nationalist and labor ideologies, as well as romantic imaginaries ofnArab and Bedouin culture.
机译:阿里·布鲁斯·萨波尼克(Arieh Bruce Saposnik)的《成为希伯来语》的主题是从19世纪最后二十年直到第一次世界大战爆发之前,在奥斯曼巴勒斯坦的耶舒夫(犹太人定居点)出现了一种新的希伯来民族文化。巴勒斯坦希伯来民族文化的民族和分布,从实践的角度出发,认为新希伯来文化是“非常刻意和自觉地构建的”(15),是同质化过程的一部分。他还把新的希伯来文化理解为犹太世界的混合物,欧洲民族主义和劳工意识形态以及浪漫的阿拉伯和贝都因人的想象。



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