首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2 >A new 4,9-diazapyrenium intercalator for single- and double-stranded nucleic acids: distinct differences from related diazapyrenium compounds and ethidium bromide

A new 4,9-diazapyrenium intercalator for single- and double-stranded nucleic acids: distinct differences from related diazapyrenium compounds and ethidium bromide


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The new ligand 6 is structurally related to ethidium bromide (EB) and other diazapyrenium compounds (1, 2)nstudied earlier, but exhibits significant differences. In contrast to ligands such as 1 and 2 the new 6 is stable over anlarge pH range. At concentrations > 10u00014 mol dmu00013 6 forms a dimer, which is characterised by NMR analysis. Thenassociation constants of 6 are larger with purine than with pyrimidine nucleotides and are the same for AMP, ADPnor ATP, with an absence of any charge effects. Surprisingly, under conditions close to saturation of intercalationnbinding sites association of 6 with single-stranded poly U and poly A is 100 to 1000 times more efficient than thatnof EB or analogue 2. Also the affinity of 6 toward poly U is significantly higher than toward poly C. CD spectranindicate that stacking of 6 with poly U induces a strong helicity in the usually disordered structure of this singlenstrand. The binding of 6 to poly C is pH dependent, as a consequence of the known formation of a poly CHu0002–polynCHu0002 double strand at pH < 5. With double-stranded polynucleotides the binding affinity of 6 and EB is similarnfor RNA homopolymers. Striking fluorescence differences, however, are observed with complexes of 6–poly GCn(decrease of emission intensity of 6 by 80%), and 6–poly AU (increase by 100%). Similar effects are also observednfor the DNA polynucleotides. At higher ligand to phosphate ratios (r > 0.2) 6 shows with double strands electrostaticnbinding in addition to intercalation, with ensuing opposite effects in fluorescence emission. The biphasicnmelting profiles of poly dA–poly dT with 6 differ sharply from those observed with 1 and EB and are in line withnthe dependence of binding modes obvious from the fluorescence studies. Melting analyses show with calf thymusnDNA and with poly dA–poly dT an increase (ΔΔT) in melting temperature with 6 about twice as high as that withn1 or EB. With the RNA model poly A–poly U the ΔTm values of 6 at low ionic strength are about seven times highernthan those observed with 2 or with EB. In contrast to other 4,9-diazapyrenium compounds which show with polynA–poly U a destabilising and a stabilising step, 6 gives only positive ΔT values at both pH = 5.0 and pH = 7.0.nExtensive supporting data for this paper are available as supplementary material † in electronic form, allowingnre-evaluation of experimental results with suitable programs for curve fitting.
机译:新的配体6在结构上与较早研究的溴化乙锭(EB)和其他二氮杂re化合物(1、2)有关,但表现出显着差异。与诸如1和2这样的配体相反,新的6在较大的pH范围内是稳定的。在浓度> 10u00014 mol时,dmu00013 6形成二聚体,其特征在于NMR分析。嘌呤的缔合常数大于嘧啶核苷酸,缔合常数为6,而AMP,ADPnor ATP的缔合常数相同,没有任何电荷效应。令人惊讶的是,在接近插层结合位点饱和的条件下,6与单链poly U和poly A的缔合效率是EB或类似物2的100到1000倍。而且6对poly U的亲和力显着高于对poly U的亲和力。 C. CD光谱表明6与聚U的堆叠在该单链通常无序的结构中诱导了强烈的螺旋。 6与聚C的结合是pH依赖性的,这是由于在pH <5时形成了聚CHu0002–polynCHu0002双链的结果。对于双链多核苷酸,6和EB对RNA均聚物的结合亲和力相似。然而,在6-poly GCn(发射强度降低6降低80%)和6-poly AU(提高100%)的复合物中观察到了惊人的荧光差异。对于DNA多核苷酸也观察到类似的作用。在较高的配体与磷酸盐的比率(r> 0.2)下,除插层外,6还显示出双链静电结合,从而在荧光发射中产生相反的作用。 poly dA–poly dT 6的双相熔融曲线与1和EB的双相熔融曲线显着不同,这与荧光研究中明显的结合模式的依赖性相符。熔解分析表明,小牛胸腺DNA和poly dA–poly dT的熔解温度升高(ΔΔT)为6,约为n1或EB的两倍。对于RNA模型poly A–poly U,在低离子强度下6的ΔTm值大约是2或EB的ΔTm值的7倍。与其他通过polynA-poly U表现出去稳定化和稳定化作用的4,9-二氮杂re化合物相反,在pH = 5.0和pH = 7.0时,6仅给出正ΔT值。n本文提供了广泛的支持数据作为补充电子形式的材料†,无需使用合适的曲线拟合程序即可对实验结果进行评估。



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