首页> 外文期刊>日本建築学会计画系論文集 >品質事故事例からみる建築生産システムの実態とその脆弱性



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日本の建築物の品質は、他の製品と同様に高い評価を受けてきた。 しかし、近年、品質に関係するトラブルが数多く散見されるように なってきている。品質事故は、様々な原因が重なり合って起こるが、 これらの品質事故の原因はどのようなものなのか。また、それを誘 引する背景は何なのか。品質事故の再発防止のためにはどうしたら いいのか。これらを明らかにすることが求められている。%Today, there are many construction failures in many parts in Japan. This is attributed to the fact that there are some problems in the building construction system. The authors assume that the quality assurance system in construction is composed of four levels. The first level is "law" such as the building standard law. The second level is "standard" such as JIS, JAS, JASS, or the standard specification. The third level is "plans in a particular project" such as drawings, particular specifications, working drawings, construction plans, or working instructions. The fourth level is "the technology/skill of the engineer/craftsman". The quality is to be assured by the complementary relationship among these four levels. These days, projects are getting bigger and more complicated, the procurement system is diversifying, and the technology is advancing. However, "law" doesn't correspond to these changes, and "plans in a particular project" which formerly complemented "law" are not enough now. Therefore, this study focuses on the following aspects. 1. Clarify the quality assurance system from the view points of the four levels. 2. Clarify the actual conditions of the quality assurance system. 3. Clarify the mechanism of the construction failures by using descriptive models.
机译:日本建筑的质量与其他产品一样受到高度评价。然而,近年来,已经观察到许多与质量有关的麻烦。质量事故的各种原因相互重叠,这些质量事故的原因是什么?另外,吸引它的背景是什么?应该采取什么措施防止质量事故再次发生?需要澄清这些。如今,日本许多地方的建筑故障很多,这是由于建筑施工系统存在一些问题这一事实造成的。作者认为建筑质量保证体系由四个层次组成。是建筑标准法之类的“法律”。第二层是JIS,JAS,JASS或标准规格之类的“标准”。第三层是图纸,特定规格,工作等“特定项目的计划”第四层是“工程师/工匠的技术/技能”,质量是由这四个层级之间的互补关系来保证的,如今,项目变得越来越大,越来越复杂。 ,采购系统在多样化,技术也在进步。但是,“法律”与这些变更并不对应,并且以前补充“法律”的“特定项目的计划”还不够。 w。因此,本研究着眼于以下几个方面:1.从四个层次上澄清质量保证体系; 2.明确质量保证体系的实际情况; 3.通过以下方法弄清施工失误的机理:使用描述性模型。



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